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Sid Berg responds to Clark/Marina Center rumors

Below is union representative Sid Berg’s response to the rumors that Eureka City Council candidate George Clark supports Rob Arkley’s Marina Center project.  Sid also explains how and why labor made their endorsements.

Thanks for your inquiry.

I have to admit, I have not been following the blogs.

I am not fond of politics, but it is something that we must do.

As you know, a person can tell 100 different people the same thing, and it is the interpretation of the listeners to digest what they think they are hearing.

All the City of Eureka Candidates approached our respective labor organizations.

All individual unions and councils have their own needs and policies as per the direction of their membership.

In the organizations that I represent, (The Plumbers and Steamfitters and the Building and Construction Trades Council), we consider only jobs, wages, benefits, training, safety and of course, our enviornmental health.

Social issues do not play a part as we are made up of many beliefs and opinions.

The delegates at our Building Trades Council meeting listened to and questioned all candidates  with much discussion.  The majority present believed that George Clark had a sincere support for labor issues, and  was aware of the importance of re-establishing infrastructure to our area, ie, rail and port. We understood him to support the RAIL/PORT concept, and allowing the process to move forward, allowing more information on the subject.

The Marina Center project was discussed and as long as the area was cleaned up to environmental standards, he supported the project.

The Home Depot was not favored, but the project and clean up of the area was a positive thought for Eureka.

Based on Frank Jager’s interview,and that of Clark, we felt that both candidates were in support of infrastructure needed to form a foundation for small cottage industry and light manufacturing, which are needed to provide family supporting jobs and a tax base for our local public services.

We felt that Clark was slightly better on labor issues and we voted to give Clark our endorsement.

After interviewing Linda Atkins and Polly Endert, we felt that while Linda had a great understanding of labor issues, she could have been negative on future development, which is so important for the future of a middle class Eureka, and surrounding area.

We felt that Polly, while lacked labor understanding, was willing to listen, learn, and be an independent voice of moderation on the City Council, when it comes to divisive issues in the future.

We felt she had a grip on the importance of building some sort of an economy for our future.She also has the benefit of learning the ins and outs of local government, as a sitting Council Member.

All candidates were supportive of the environment and we felt, had a sincere willingness to contribute to Eureka’s future.

We were also concerned that a “PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY” as promoted by the Clark /Atkins ticket, proposed a posible threat to independent thinking and constituent representation needed for a representative government.

For those reasons, the majority voted to endorse Polly Endert, in Ward 2.

In a seperate meeting, the local members present, in a Regional Meeting of the Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 290, after hearing from the candidates, voted to endorse Frank Jager, and Polly Endert for Eureka City Council, and Michael Winkler for Arcata City Council.

We will probably be asked why we would endorse Winkler, while turning our backs on Clark/Atkins.

We believe this infrastructure and transportation issue is so vital to our future, and we hope Michael has the scientific background and an open mind to let the process work, evaluate the best possible solutions, and work together for the betterment of all.

We hope his standing with Green Wheels will bridge the gap of mutual understanding and hopefully we can begin a dialog to build on.

Remember, we need gravel to build trails!

This is a long winded answer to your questions.  Feel free to correspond anytime.

Sid Berg

Business Representative, Plumbers/Steamfitters Local 290,
and President, Humboldt & Del Norte County Building and Construction Trades Council

  1. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 1:19 pm

    Well that was certainly clear as mud. Anyone know if Arkely uses union labor or sub contracts to non union? I would think that would make a difference to union support for his Home Depot project. And it would also make a difference to union endorsement of a candidate that supported the project or not.

  2. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 1:36 pm

    Thanks Heraldo.

    I’ve been here pestering you for two days to post Sid’s response.
    Good job.

  3. October 4, 2008 at 1:57 pm

    I asked Sid if there was a video or audio recording of Clark’s statements and he said there was not.

    But I appreciate his comment that “a person can tell 100 different people the same thing, and it is the interpretation of the listeners to digest what they think they are hearing.”

    The same goes for written statements — people read what they want to read, regardless of what is written. It happens on the blogs all the time.

  4. Big Boss Man
    October 4, 2008 at 2:19 pm

    Bottom line: George is for development of port, rail, and Marina Center. Does this dovetail with his “My Word”? No. Does this dovetail with what he told the Greens? Don’t think so.? This is totally jumping out of the box he created with his “My Word” piece. He’s switched horses because the public is not biting on his manifesto. But, here’s what the public will grasp: “We were also concerned (and they should be) that a ‘PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY’…proposed a possible threat to independent thinking and constituent representation…” You bet it does. Haven’t heard much drum beating about their proposed Progressive Majority lately…because they’re now riding a new horse! Status quo and arrogance alright, and escalated politics as usual. Some change they offer. See ya’ll at the debate.

  5. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 2:27 pm

    I have to take exception with Sid Berg’s concern that a “PROGRESSIVE MAJORITY” as promoted by the Clark/Atkins ticket, proposed a possible threat to independent thinking and constituent representation needed for a representative government. What kind of idiotic political right wing mumbo jumbo was that from a supposed union leader. Do you realize that republicans want to get rid of your union and living wage jobs with benefits? Are you invested with the local gravel miners? WTF! Progressives are FOR the fucking unions!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 3:03 pm

    That’s not necessarily true. There are some pretty right-wing, almost reactionary unions around here, who want the wetlands by the bay (i.e. Balloon Tract) to be plowed over and turned into a parking lot and shopping center of some sort. These same unions are backing candidates who are actively against pro-worker positions on public health issues like fluoridation, like Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap.

    Don’t forget, these unions were silent on the recall which brought Schwarzenegger into office. This isn’t the Bay Area people. Unions and the Central Labor Council here cannot be depended on to be truly progressive or pro-worker. They wouldn’t even lift a finger on the living wage ordinance for Eureka, what kind of union is against something like that? An unrepresentative one staffed by fossils, that’s what.

  7. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 3:42 pm

    Yeah, the prison guards got a union too. Union don’t automatically equal good.

  8. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 3:50 pm

    Heaven forbid the Unions are backing a candidate that they feel will better provide good jobs in construction, rail and shipping (regardless of whether or not the port and rail are pipedreams).

    I never knew the to be anti floride was to be pro worker, 303 – hilarious!

    And yeah, 3:42, those prison guards, we all know they are the bad guys in the prisons and jails, not the actual prisoners – thanks so much for clearing that up, until now I had it backwards.

  9. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 3:53 pm

    I see your point. I was in a union my entire working life, was a shop steward for a while, and walked picket duty on numerous occasions, and retired with a pension and medical benefits. If our local president had the gall to publish what was in Sid Berg’s letter, he would have been recalled immediately. You can do a lot of weird things in union politics, but you don’t pander to the right wing, EVER!

  10. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 3:59 pm

    I see your point 3:03, 3:50 quit talking out of your ass, we all know there are lots of contractors who hire minimum wage or illegal subs and pay no benefits. Talk about something you know, like drill baby drill.

  11. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 4:27 pm

    You think you’re clever 3:50, but you’re as transparent as your right wing ideology. Just because the spokesman for a union endorses a candidate doesn’t mean that the rank and file vote that way. Sometimes when certain people have had it good for a long time they forget what everyone had to sacrifice to get there and who has their back.

  12. Big Boss Man
    October 4, 2008 at 4:52 pm

    Public trust, Red Hummer, that’s what the rank and file want. If it isn’t ClarkAtkins, then has to be right wing. If logic doesn’t agree with you, then it has to be right wing. If it is logical, reasonable, and makes sense, then it has to be right wing. If it is sound thinking, then it has to be right wing. If it is independent of partisanship, then it has to be right wing because it is not left wing. How about just a dose of common sense? Does common sense Have To Be Labeled right wing or left wing? Hard work, responsibility, accountability, and telling the truth- is that right wing or left wing? These are basic qualities- you either have them or you don’t. Your “right wing” defense mechanism is getting old.

  13. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 4:58 pm

    Red Hummer, I think it is you who is talking out of your ass.

    First of all, I am a life long Democrat; if it makes your head hurt less to break things into simple right/left blocks so you can process them, good for you, but your reasoning is, shall we say, lacking.

    Let’s go over your silly little attacks on me at 359 & 427, ok? C’mon, it’ll be fun!

    Local 290 has union employees right now – one of the largest plumbers up here is union. Stands to reason that they might get some of the plumbing contracts on the marina center should it come to fruition. More work for the owners (yes, I know, there is that ugly profit motive at work), means more work for the union plumbers.

    Port development equals beaucoup Union Jobs for longshoreman. Ongoing jobs that are not finished when the construction is finished.

    Rail Development equals the same.

    So, tell me Red Hummer – how is it talking out of my ass to point out the absurdity of calling the anti floride measures “pro worker”? It’s not, but, I am sure you’ll try and hurl out some silly insult to dodge the question.

    Is it also talking out of my ass to call out an obvious law enforcement hating wingnut at 3:42 who points out that the real bad guys at the prisons and jails – the prison guards have a union?

    Quit projecting your sophomoric left/right idealogy, red hummer. You too, 3:03. There are plenty of local union members who are sick and tired of people like you two smearing them with “right wing, almost reactionary” lables. They see sustainable Union jobs out there, particulary with the development of the port and railway system.

    You think YOU’RE clever, Red Hummer, but really, try and realize that there are a lot more than just right and left wing extremes. Most of us live in the middle.

  14. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    Amen Red Hummer. That seems to be a common failure with right wingers. The same is true of the feminist movement. Women who benefited from the hard work and sacrifice of previous generations of women today turn their backs on protecting those gains because “I’ve got mine baby and I’ll do anything to keep you from getting some too.” It seems to come from a mindset that only feels satisfied when they have more of whatever than other people. A sick, consumer based self esteem that always needs more, a hungry ghost that can never be satisfied until it has so much that others must do without. Could it be genetic?

  15. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 5:10 pm

    And of course, short term self interest can never be set aside for the common good. Electing the person who promises you most short term always works out well, doesn’t it? Wrecking the environment for a few union jobs that will end when the construction phase is over to be replaced by minimum wage jobs that force wage cuts in businesses that pay a living wage with benefits. It all works out great for everyone, doesn’t it.

  16. Big Boss Man
    October 4, 2008 at 5:23 pm

    Get with it, Plain Jane. NOW is only for women if you’re their kind of woman. They don’t care about hard work or sacrafice, they just want to further their agenda. Women who don’t fit their ideal are steam rolled over. The senator from New York operates in the same fashion. Gender equality still lacks today, that’s a given, but NOW is the wrong venomous organization to drive that bus. If they’re really for women, they’d be celebrating Palin right now. Yeah, they’re for all women alright.
    Oh, I forgot. NOW is left winger, so they must be right after all…

  17. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    That just shows how incredibly clueless you are BBM. Palin is the opposite of what liberated women are working for. You have the same mindset as John McCain and his handlers, thinking any vagina will do. It has nothing to do with NOW and everything to do with working for real equality. Any woman who joins the neo-cons with their drill baby drill and war for profit will never be interested in the best interests of women, children or men who believe in freedom and protecting the earth which, so far as we know, is the only planet which will support our life form.

  18. Not A Native
    October 4, 2008 at 5:40 pm

    Amen, Jane.

    Its not the “progressives” that want to split the community into “us” and “them”. The “old guard” has polarized the community in their efforts to hold their monopoly, at any cost. I wouldn’t mind so much if they just weren’t so darned stupid and intolerant. When anyone outside the “feudal gentry” dares challenge their oligopoly, they scream “power grab”.

    Well in my mind, political power SHOULD rest in the hands of a constitutionally limited majority, as opposed to being divyed up among a few who arrived earlier and were most greedy. Generational wealth is neither a requirement to vote nor a qualification to hold office.

    I don’t how influential these union endorsements are, but I suspect they’re looked to more by folks who aren’t in unions than who are.

  19. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 5:44 pm

    Hell, 4:58 call yourself anything you want, Palin calls herself a foreign policy expert because her state borders Canada. You’re a life long democrat that comments like a right wing cheerleader, and you know NOTHING about unionism. Be my guest, see how many real union members will vote for any republican. You see it is about right and left after all. You rightwingnuts (opps, I mean lifelong democrat) have fucked this country up to the point you are going to loose the privilege of being in power, and all your obfuscation is not going to change that. Common sense is out there and so is transparency Boss Man, most people can see it and it isn’t coming from your game playing comments. Wasted enough time with your nonsense.

  20. Big Boss Man
    October 4, 2008 at 5:47 pm

    C’mon Jane, I’m merely pointing out how “lock step” one must be with these kinds of organizations or these groups ostracize you. I’m also pointing out that if it isn’t far left liberal, then it can’t be good, as the militant liberal mind goes. I, like many, am in the middle and happy to be a free thinking independent- I don’t need a party to make my decisions for me. The republicans don’t offer much either. There are, however, democrats who have some sound ideas and republicans who have them also. But, for folks like you and Red H., it’s very important to be divided into little constituency groups and just spew your venom. Come on over to common sense and reason, Jane, come to the middle. Bring Red H. too if you like. All are welcome, even the meanies.

  21. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 5:52 pm

    How many union members will now sell out the new hires, locking them into 2nd class wages for years in order to get more for themselves without using common sense that it endangers their own jobs when they can pay new people less? How many sell out the retirees hard earned benefits for a few pennies more an hour or a little more in their own pensions? People who are only motivated by self interest screw everyone including themselves. Some people are incapable of grasping that simple concept. They have their eyes on the newest glittery thing that raise will pay for in monthly installments and the rest of us suffer along with the idiots.

  22. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 5:55 pm

    No thanks BBM. I truly am an independent thinker and don’t go along with the crowd just because it’s more comfortable. Sheeple don’t interest me in the slightest.

  23. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 6:06 pm

    “If they’re really for women, they’d be celebrating Palin right now”. That gave you away BBM.

  24. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 6:17 pm

    I agree Nan and Red. Calling yourself a Democrat when you espouse right wing talking points isn’t fooling anyone. I could register in the Constitution Party but it still wouldn’t make me a fascist nationalist.

  25. Not A Native
    October 4, 2008 at 6:19 pm

    Big Boss Man, I’m sorry that your feelings have been hurt.

    Just which groups that you so fervantly wish to influence have snubbed you? Are you talking about the Democrats, Republicans, or Greens? Seems to me, those are the only political parties that have actually elected members hereabouts. I can’t even remember that any Independents have won even a non-partisan election.

    Now if the nice folks at Blue Ribbon Coalition, NEC, Taxpayer’s League, Local solutions, CPR, or Heathy Humboldt have rejected your ideas, lifestyle or your friendship, that’s their choice, you need to “get over it” and look for other friends. Not everyone is going to like you or even want to listen to you, no matter how lovable and reasonable you think you are.

    Betcha’ a lot of religious groups would make you feel unwanted too, but having a vendetta against them because of that is just unreasonable. BTW, Rose has also expressed being bitter, feeling she got the cold shoulder treatment. Sounds like you and she may have something in common, being rejected, that’s a start.

  26. Big Boss Man
    October 4, 2008 at 6:27 pm

    Get off it. Left wing “is just good” like right wing “is just good.” Lame argument. Partisanship- good. Division-good. Where was Plain Jane and Now in Monica Lewinsky’s hour of need? Where were they for Hilary? Well? Conservative groups who do the same thing are just as lame, they just tend not to throw blood on you, for example, when you walk into Macys. Wallow in partisanship Red, it’s the way to go.

  27. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 6:30 pm

    The title should read, “Sid Berg confirms Clark/Marina Center rumors.”

  28. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 6:37 pm

    I vote my self interest, you’re the only one making lame arguements.

  29. October 4, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Interesting that the above deals mostly with Right vs. Left arguments, as opposed to dealing with any issue in, and of, itself.

  30. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 6:45 pm

    Oh yes, you reveal yourself more with each post, BBM. Since I am a feminist who is opposed to the fascist with lipstick I must be a NOW member because no one could possibly think for themselves and come to the conclusion that Palin, McCain, Bush, Cheney, Rove and the rest of the neo-cons don’t have anyone’s best interest at heart except their own and their greed for power and control.

    You are doing exactly what you acuse the left of doing. If I’m not with you “lock-step” I must be a NOW member. When did they teach you sheeple to say “I am a free thinker?”

  31. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 6:46 pm

    Good for you Jane, pointing out the all or nothing you are espousing. “wrecking the environment for a few union jobs”?? Hardly.

    Lets see now, according to Red Hummer, pointing out the absurdity of saying the anti floride stance being “anti worker”, as well as labling some unions as “bad” because they are law enforcement/corrections unions makes me a right winger.

    It’s pretty hilarious to see some of you come out of the wordworks to bash the unions, now that they have endorsed Jager and Endert.

  32. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 6:49 pm

    Yes, it is Fred, and notice who is the one trying to push it into the neat little left / right boxes; why, it’s Red Hummer.

    Evidently, Unions and their members who want sustainable jobs through port and rail development have now become right wing.

    If only things were that simple.

  33. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    I didn’t bash the unions. I am a staunch union supporter, but not those who sell out everyone else for their own gain. People who belong to a union but vote for those who are trying to destroy the unions to get a little more work are traitors, worse than scabs who cross picket lines.

  34. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 6:53 pm


  35. Red Hummer
    October 4, 2008 at 6:54 pm

    Fuck off 6:49 I can speak for myself

  36. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 6:56 pm

    SUSTAINABLE JOBS? Who the FUCK do you think you’re fooling with that garbage? What sustainable jobs? A port that is never going to have any cargo? A railroad that has no connecting tracks? The ONLY jobs will be building Arkley Center and after that we’ll have FEWER jobs in this community. But you’ll worry about that tomorrow. Just like all of you who cheered Maxam’s unsustainable logging no matter the damage, no matter the evidence that they were running out. You just bashed the people who were trying to tell you the truth. Clueless fucking self centered assholes.

  37. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:00 pm

    Yes, Jane. As in a working port. As in a working railway transportation system. Those kind of sustainable jobs.

    Do I think either will happen? No, I don’t, but I certainly can understand why a Union would endorse candidates who are in favor of both.

    Jane, take a break from the hyperbole. Frank Jager was a past union president when he was with EPD.

    The city of Eureka’s non management are employees have employee associations. Please, other than your vitriolic imagination, show me, in words and actions, where either Polly Endert or Frank Jager want to “destroy” unions.

  38. October 4, 2008 at 7:02 pm

    Poor Jane. In her world – …Palin is the opposite of what liberated women are working for…

    Right. They’d rather be ugly, homeless, divorced, destitute, and out of work. And they’d NEVER aspire to higher office. Not to be Governor of a state. And especially they would never agree to be a vice-presidential running mate.

    What a lovely world you live in.

  39. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    So you admit that the claim of sustainable jobs is a lie? You admit that Jager / Endert are pushing that lie? Yet you say people who vote for the lie to get a few months of work which will cost other people decent paying jobs is just fine.

    There’s a big difference between public service unions like police / prison guards and private business unions like trades and Teamsters. The public service unions do have sustainable jobs, in fact, the Republican agenda of creating poverty with low wages and no benefits actually increases the police / prison guard jobs since their business is always locking up those who fall into the cracks created.

    Sorry, but I’m not drinking the Kool-aid and it isn’t hyperbole when its the truth.

  40. October 4, 2008 at 7:06 pm

    And in the world of heraldo – Unions, long democratic stalwarts, have suddenly become evil right-wingers. Why? Because they shy away from the “progressive” attempt to rule and dominate?

    Because they were not fooled by someone pretending to be something he is not, and promising things with his fingers, arms and toes crossed behind his back, with his My Word’s out there for all to see if they are paying attention…

    Let em be the first to welcome the Unions to the world of sanity – if that means they are right-wingers, they’ll find they are in better company.

  41. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    Fuck off Rose you cretinous troll. You wouldn’t understand anything even if someone had a lifetime to devote to nothing but trying to educate you.

  42. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:07 pm


    Poor Hummer, can’t stand it, especially when his whole left wing / right wing is brought up. Of course you can speak for yourself, you’ve done so, quite ineloquently – right wing left wing – over and over again. Union members who don’t do what you want them to do are republicans.

    And I’m not even twisting your words – you’ve said all of the above on this thread this afternoon.

    Jane, yeah, who the FUCK do those people think they are, endorsing candidates who want to develop the port.

    I love it when you get worked up like this. You two are the ones bashing the unions because they endorsed Polly and Frank. To clue you in to why they might do so is so laughably elementary Red Hummer might even get it.

    And Jane, you are most certainly comparing apples and oranges here, my friend. If there are any jobs lost do to a developed marina center, they most certainly won’t be Union jobs, and that’s what we are talking about here.

    Than you bring Maxaam into the equation? WTF? Nice try at a strawman, but I call bullshit on that. I’m glad those blood sucking leeches are out of our county.

  43. October 4, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    Oh, Jane they’ll have PLENTY of cargo. They can load up those ships with weed. And guard ’em with unconcealed automatic assault weapons.

  44. October 4, 2008 at 7:08 pm

    It’s all about looks, Rose? You must feel so liberated.

    John McCain opposes equal pay for equal work. Palin opposes the right to choose. It’s obvious why women say thanks but no thanks.

  45. October 4, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    They can load up those ships with weed.

    Looks like they won’t be loading them with pulp.

  46. October 4, 2008 at 7:09 pm

    Wipe the spittle off your keyboard, “jane.”

  47. October 4, 2008 at 7:10 pm

    No, heraldo. It is YOU who oppose the right to choose. YOU don’t like the choice she made. YOU don’t understand what CHOICE means.

  48. October 4, 2008 at 7:11 pm

    Palin made a choice she doesn’t want others to have. Apparently she doesn’t understand what choice means.

  49. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:12 pm

    No Jane, I don’t admit sustainable jobs are a lie. I just don’t think it’s going to happen. I just think it’s a very hard road to hoe, to get port and rail going.

    BUT – I admire the proponents of this development who do. That’s what they are running on, and if enough people feel and vote that way, things can change.

    And Jane, any time you have to answer with “fuck off” means you’ve lost the subtantive argument and are can only toss insults.

    Once again, Heraldo, thanks for getting the response from Sid.

    Have a great evening everyone, I’m off to dinner.

  50. October 4, 2008 at 7:12 pm


  51. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:14 pm

    Thanks for confirming for us that in your world their are good unions and bad ones Jane.

  52. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 7:16 pm

    The right wing and their ideology is dying a slow death. Humboldt County is always a bit behind the rest of the world, but even here people are waking to the fraud that is the right wing ideology of preaching about heaven while creating hell on earth for million of people. People all across the country are finally realizing that the trickle down theory is just pissing on everyone while they steal our children’s futures. In November the change will happen on a national level and will eventually even make it to the backwaters. You can cling to the old lies but don’t expect any respect for doing so.

  53. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:18 pm

    Lets stay on topic now, heraldo. Palin? McSame?? What do they do with this thread. I do wish that you and Rose could hug and make up.

    Why cant we just have a fun conversation without telling everyone to fuck off? RedHummer? Jane?

  54. Not A Native
    October 4, 2008 at 7:19 pm

    Sorry, Anon 7:12, this began with some anti-Clark people saying they demanded he should have a YES/NO answer at all times to development of the Balloon Tract. Thats a low down dirty trick because its not a yes/no issue any more than “Have you stopped beating your kids?”.

    Clark gave his answer, which the unions and many others found acceptable and reasonable. He didn’t say he would vote to approve or disapprove whatever SN proposal comes to the council. The key here is “sustainable” jobs. Thats more than a “buzzword” that can be used like magic to get your project approved. Its a concept and has to be analysed and determined in the context of what else is happening and what the risks and alternative are.

    Any group, unions included, that doesn’t support sustainability in reality is being seen now by the electorate as not credibly representing the community’s interest. So everyone wants to claim it. But, the devil IS in the details. Discrediting a candidate who really cares about “sustainability” by demanding he respond yes/no is a nasty attempt to polarize.

  55. October 4, 2008 at 7:20 pm

    Point taken, 7:18.

  56. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:27 pm

    The thing is NAN, is what defines “sustainabiltity in reality”.

    Obviously there are differing visions of that. Neither of them is necessarily right or wrong.

    I’ve seen some nasty attempt to polarize by Redhummer and Jane as well. If only life were that simple.

  57. 06em
    October 4, 2008 at 7:32 pm

    Sorry to butt in here but I have a question. According to Mr. Berg’s comments above, the Building and Construction Trades Council “delegates” met the candidates and endorsed Clark and Endert. The Plumbers and Steamfitters “local members present” met the candidates (seperately, I guess?) and endorsed Jager and Endert.
    Does anyone know how many people were in either the “delegates” group or the “local members present” group? Is it possible that one (or both) of these groups are simply a couple cigar-chomping, America-love-it-or-leave-it, old white dudes? Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

  58. 06em
    October 4, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    I would consider it a personal favor if, instead of BBM, we would use “Big BM” for Big Boss Man’s mini-name. I promise to chuckle each time I read it. Thanks.

  59. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 7:59 pm

    Is it possible

    Anything is possible. Is it true? No. Nice disregarding speculation though. Very effective.

  60. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 8:03 pm

    Jane is very low, adolescent actually to make a physical comment like she did. She showed again how very ugly she can be. Also, she missed the point being made and turned it into a juvenile comment. She is sad and bitter.

  61. Not A Native
    October 4, 2008 at 8:14 pm

    Anon 7:27

    Yep, I agree its not simple, or a matter of just having someone with the money tell people where to dig. Sustainability is a concept and realizing it is a process. Thats why yes/no answers aren’t appropriate. And appealing to common sense, tradition, or ideology for the answers also isn’t reliable.

    But its not like sustainability is voodoo or the realm of mystics. There is basic science that gives a framework, similar situations that give experience, and cultural/historical records that give models of what it might look like. Most of all, sustainability is a broad view that doesn’t privilege short-term benefits over long-term effects. To that degree, its not intuitive. In fact, sustainability is a very conservative idea.

    An EIR is a glimpse into the elements of a project’s sustainability. And the discussions and inputs into the EIR from many sources can give the best judgements as to the reality of whether the project is likely to be sustainable “in reality”. And yes, sometimes lawsuits, political actions, and electoral changes result from evaluations of EIRs.

  62. Plain Jane
    October 4, 2008 at 8:18 pm

    The point being made was that any woman who is opposed to Palin and all her neocon BS must want women to be ugly, homeless, divorced, destitute and out of work. Now that is really a mature attitude. When I want any thing out of you 8:03, I’ll insert a nickle and pull your chain.

  63. Not A Native
    October 4, 2008 at 8:19 pm

    Jane, you go girl. I want some of whatever was in your cereal this morning.

  64. Plain Jane
  65. 06em
    October 4, 2008 at 8:28 pm

    Don’t try to spin my intent, 7:59, my question is serious. Do you yourself know how many people made up either one of these endorsement groups? Yes? No?

    As I posted in the earlier thread, I found the following info in a samoasoftball blog post:

    Brother or Sister Local #3 member, as you know , Local 3 elects a grievance committee at the first meeting of each calender year. These three rank and file members make up the comittee that interviews candidates that have requested endorsement. The district Rep. sits on the comittee as secratary and does not vote. The comittee is elected by the rank and file. If you have further questions about your process please call me. Steve Harris District Rep. Local 3 district 40 Eureka

    The Local 3 District 40 that Steve Harris refers to is the Operating Engineers local. The PAC Commitee from that local is one of the three union endorsements in the Jager press release. If the Jager campaign finds the endorsements important enough to merit a press release, shouldn’t an informed voter want to know how those endorsements come about?

    We live in a small city. The entire membership of some of these locals might fit comfortably in a mini-van for all I know. I mean, how many longshoremen can there be on our bay? Something beyond a simple endorsement list would be helpful.

  66. October 4, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    No, Jane. You are the one who said …Palin is the opposite of what liberated women are working for…

    Maybe you can explain what that means then. You can say she is nothing but a beauty queen cheerleader PTA dupe. You can ignore that she is Governor of a state… former Mayor (I’m sure Peter LaVallee will appreciate your denigrating that office)… She’s more than you’ll ever be. Liberated though you may be if you are indeed a female.

  67. The Monitor
    October 4, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    If you want to see how some women in Alaska feel about Palin, google: women against Palin rally. It just took place right after the debate.

    “Big bm,” it struck me as a possibility too. How big can a bm be?

  68. October 4, 2008 at 9:15 pm

    Oh, Monitor – that’s nuthin’ – Check this out!

  69. Richard Marks
    October 4, 2008 at 9:22 pm

    Heraldo: Can I have an apology yet? I reported what I heard. You called my post wacky, when it was done in good faith. With my “real” name posted. And I have taken much heat from the “left” progressives. Because I hit nerve. Well over 200 comments on three different blogs doing damage control.

  70. October 4, 2008 at 9:24 pm
  71. October 4, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    I think Side Berg is due an apology, too. So are the Unions. Calling them right-wing, man, that shouldn’t happen.

  72. October 4, 2008 at 9:25 pm

    Richard, please accept my apology. I should have stuck with my initial word choice, which was “alarming.”

  73. October 4, 2008 at 9:28 pm

    Yeah – heraldo, the white women could’ve had Hillary as their historic role model – a woman who stayed with her husband who slept around on her at every opportunity because of the power he represented, and the power meant more than her own self respect. It’s a sad commentary on women today that they have to consider the prospect of a happily married woman with a family and a successful career as a Governor, with a husband who isn’t intimidated and doesn’t need to sleep around.

  74. October 4, 2008 at 9:31 pm

    Yes, forcing women to pay for examination kits after they’ve been raped is a sign of success. You must be proud.

  75. Nobody But Me
    October 4, 2008 at 9:51 pm

    Um, if Rose is concerned that Hillary Clinton doesn’t have self respect, what must she think of any woman (or any man) who would vote for John McCain, a man who dumped his first wife after she had an auto accident and lost her model looks. Just Google “Carol McCain” and read the article at the Daily Mail Online. It never stops amazing me that Republicans think theirs is the “values” party.

  76. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 10:03 pm

    There are so many morally bankrupt issues with McCain I don’t understand how anyone with a religious upbringing could support him.

  77. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 10:07 pm

    Gosh, reading this thread and Jane’s comments I find that Heraldos hyprocracy in moderating comments is plain. Can you imagine the condemnation if someone from the right or middle wrote the crap spewing forth from Jane. I am truly disgusted. Jane you are in real need of help, get a grip.

  78. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 10:22 pm

    If anything is “PROVEN” here, it is how Humboldt’s unions have no sense of commitment to progressive values. These same unions which back Kaitlin-Sopoci-Belknap-Cobb have no problem backing the Arkley Council candidates like Jager and Endert.

    Just goes to show that these so-called unions (really committees of THREE people making the decisions for hundreds) are completely out of touch with what is really going on in Eureka.

    I look forward to George Clark, Linda Atkins and Stephen Davies taking office here in Eureka by the end of the year.

    As(s) for these so-called unions, I hope they get a reality check from the kids at the IWW soon. As radical as they might be, at least the Wobblies have some semblance of on-the-ground organizing, not just relying on the same old fossils to churn out the same old lame games they always play.

  79. Anonymous
    October 4, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Humboldt’s unions have no sense of commitment to progressive values.

    NSS. What gave you the idea that unions are progressive? Sid explained everything. A union’s membership is diverse. A union endorsement is not about furthering your political perspective.

  80. October 5, 2008 at 12:08 am

    So the question is, what did Clark actually say? Or more importantly, where doe he stand?

    Don’t get me wrong, I like the guy. But he’s the only one who can clear this up. I’m sure it’s going to be asked at a debate. It’s a pretty basic question for Eureka politics. If it’s nuanced, fine. Marina Center proposal sans Home Depot. I could live with that. Sans Home Depot.

  81. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 1:05 am

    “From Mark Morford:
    Once for Obama but now swoon for McPalin: Who the hell are you?”

    Yes, what he said!

  82. Anonymous
    October 5, 2008 at 7:58 am

    I know they used Union labor to erect the fence around the Balloon Tract.

  83. October 5, 2008 at 8:11 am

    In a way the issues here ARE related.

    If Romney had been the VP nominee, the comments above would’ve been all nasty about him, about his Mormonism, his looks, and worse. It’s Palin, and the reaction seems particularly visceral, but it wouldn’t have mattered who it was.

    And the proof is in what just happened here – the Unions dared to make an independent decision which does not please the fascist “progressives” so out came the fangs and snarls, and more of that visceral hate that seems to be the engine that fuels everything they do… anyone who dares state and opinion or take a position opposite of their objective suddenly becomes ‘the evil right wing Republican.’

    We’re lucky we are a society of laws. Because I wonder just how far they would go in promoting their agenda and demanding loyalty and fealty to them, and their “party.” Though it isn’t a party, is it? It’s something else rearing its ugly head.

  84. Sid Berg
    October 5, 2008 at 10:29 am

    o6em asked a fair Question. Who is making these decisions on endorsements? The Humboldt and Del Norte County Building and Construction Trades Council consists of 20 affiliated trade unions.
    The Central Labor Council also includes building trades and public service unions and has more affiliates. As in any organization, participation varies. Our Building trades meetings average 6-10 and CLC averages10-15,delegates present at most meetings. All delegates do their very best to represent their membership and make decisions based on their best judgement for the benefit of their membership. NONE SMOKE CIGARS, actually, I don’t think any of us even smoke.

    Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 290 represents aproximately 4000 members, with about 50 in this area. 17 members attended our regional meeting, listened to, and questioned the candidates, and afterwards, 16 voted.

    There was no right or left wing agenda. Only honest, hard working people voting for what they believed was the best decision on what they heard.

    Does this work for all unions? I can not say. Logistics sometimes dictate leaders to make decisions on the members behalf.

    This is not a perfect world, and union membership has slipped do to the political and economic climate of the last 20 years, but rest assured, every union leader is doing what they can to raise the economic and safety standards and working conditions of their members as well as all workers in the community.
    This cannot be done by public funding alone. It takes a partnership of buisness, willing to put their capital at risk to create jobs that pay decent wages that can support families in a reasonable lifestyle.

    The key to those jobs is a means to ship product in and out of Humboldt County at a competitive rate.
    If this results in non-union jobs at substandard wages, than we need to organize and raise the standards, but ultimately we need a soilid foundation to build and maintain our community and lifestyle.

  85. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 10:51 am

    Sid, do realize that republicans, the right wing, conservatives, what ever you want to call them, do not want unions to exist? Do you realize that free market capitalists do not want to be told to pay living wages and pay benefits, by an organization of people banded together for their common interest called a union? Do you know they sponsor legislation to rid industries of worker protections and unnecessary safety regulations? Yep, these happy, feel good job creators that you SUCK UP TO, are the same ones that want to make everyone into an independent contractor, without union protections or benefits. Like I said before, you have forgotten who has your back.

  86. 06em
    October 5, 2008 at 10:54 am

    Thanks, Sid, for your response. You’re a stand-up guy. My cigar chomping comment was mainly in jest, as you seem to understand, using humor to illustrate my frustration at not knowing how union endorsements occur as we continued this online discussion/debate. You explained it so that even I could understand.

  87. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 11:11 am

    Gee “rose” did you forget who called for the killing of liberals? Palin is not fit to be president on her merits. It has nothing to do with her being a woman. But if there is nothing to support in her porfolio, let’s claim that she’s being unfairly treated because she’s a woman. Clueless as usual “rose”.

  88. October 5, 2008 at 11:45 am

    Is she fit to be a Governor? RedHummer?
    Was Clinton fit to be a Governor? Was he fit to be President?
    Who else was governor before being Prez? Quite a few.

    What did Barack Obama do, in his years in office, to suggest to you that he will do any of the things you so fondly imagine he will magically suddenly fix if he can just get elected to the next office in his sights? I am baffled by the lack of scrutiny on this point.

    As to who has the back of the Unions, locally – it sure as hell ain’t the CREG/Baykeeper types. they don’t have the backs of ANY workers.

  89. October 5, 2008 at 11:48 am

    Except for the ones who would lose their jobs due to a Home Depot in Eureka.

  90. "Henchman of Justice"
    October 5, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Great, a discussion about who is fit to be president. So, is this conversation only limited to “Insane in the membrane” McCain, Futurerama Obama, Stalin Palin or hidin’ Biden?

    None of these four are fit for the presidency. In fact, there exists enough American voters who are psychologically brainwashed and unfit to vote for president, imo.

    Limited choices promoted by major media and government special interests shall only yield the same “status quo” results ubiquitously anticipated by this country’s fraudulant two-party political system.

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  91. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 11:58 am

    Give it up Red Hummer. Rose is so clueless that she doesn’t know that Palin is clueless. She is typical GOP base who is so ignorant and arrogant they really believe anyone can be president, that it doesn’t take superior intellect or education, knowledge of complex issues like economics and foreign policy, history of geopolitics, constitutional law, separation of church and state, political philosophy, the importance of diplomacy. You know, that’s why they have all those neo-con experts to tell them anything they want to achieve is a “slam-dunk,” “we will be greeted as liberators,” “trickle down is the best economic system,” “deregulation grows the economy,” “global warming is a leftist anti-growth myth.” They don’t need enough knowledge to detect the BS. Besides, if all else fails they can pray and everyone knows god is on our side.

  92. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 12:31 pm

    You’re right Jane, I give up. Why fight it, give me 8 more years of republican rule. Why change anything?

  93. kateascot
    October 5, 2008 at 12:32 pm

    5 years from now when we are firmly entrenched in a depression th at is promised to be worse than “29” whomever is President will have to come to grips with the fact that they have been unable to turn the economy around because our country was sold out from under us already. Now that taxpayers are forced to pay out 700 billion to save the folks who sold us out we will see the morale of the working class decline as they work hard for less. The working class are already working with low wages and few or no incentives, little or no health-care, failing schools, high crime and homelessness, how much more do these people in the establishment think that we can take before we collapse entirely? do I sound pessimistic? According to Warren Buffet realistically only those who are well cushioned monetarily will not experience severe repercussions in this economic failure.

  94. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 12:59 pm

    Yup Jane, I’ve swallowed the cool aid and everything makes me happy now. I’m a life long democrat and now I’ll cheerlead for the republicans. Swallow everything they feed me. Vote for people that want to get rid of unions, because the republicans know what’s best for me. What have unions ever done for me?. I feel so much better now knowing that the right has my back. I even like “rose”. She’s right about Palin too. Can’t wait till she’s in office and McCain ticks off and she makes decisions that affect billions of people. She’s truly the best we can do and deserves it.

  95. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 1:16 pm

    I want lemon-lime Kool-Aid with lots of tequila. If I have to drink it I want to be drunk when it destroys my brain.

  96. HumRed
    October 5, 2008 at 1:22 pm

    Red Hummer and Plain Jane, if you had any brains you would play with them. Arguments read like not to smart 3rd grade debate over lunch. Making arguements over who is fit to be president when between you not enough IQ to hit 2 digits. Conservative this yada, yada. I do agree though both of you are sad and bitter.

  97. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 1:33 pm


  98. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 1:45 pm

    Humred, you’re a boomer (I assume), how do you feel about how our generation has left the next one under 8 years of conservative, right wing, neo con rule. Realistic maybe, but sad and bitter, no way.

  99. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 1:59 pm

    Any part of that question you need me to explain?

  100. October 5, 2008 at 2:00 pm

    Oooh! Right wing neo-con rule! CONSERVATIVE Right wing neo-con rule, no less! OH! The horror!

    Isn’t Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the House? Doesn’t that mean that the neocons are in the minority? Gee, golly whiz, I don’t know about all that complicated stuff janey rattles on about up there.

  101. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 2:04 pm

    How’s your 401 k doing “rose”?

  102. Red Hummer
    October 5, 2008 at 2:08 pm

    6 years republican Congress, republican president
    2 years democrat Congress, republican president WITH VETO POWER.

  103. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 2:47 pm

    I am going to have to surrender to the superior debating tactics of HumRed and Rose. Where did they get such razor logic? Playing with brains and third grade lunch debates! If only I had known that Nancy Pelosi was a presidential adviser by virtue of her leadership in the house! They demolished all my points with a few jabs and parries, I never knew what hit me! If they threw in a couple of winks and you betchyas they’d be right up there with the master of all debaters, the great Palin herself.

  104. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 2:48 pm

    Thank the goddess they didn’t hit me a MAVERICK! I would have cried all day.

  105. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    You forgot that the senate is split 49 / 49 with 2 independents, HumRed. Of course, everyone knows that Lieberman can always be counted on to side with the Democrats in spite of the fact that he was McCain’s first choice for Vice President.

    They won the debate hands down just like Palin did. Cede defeat and join them. Resistence is futile due to their superior intellects and god being on their side.

  106. Anonymous
    October 5, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    I just realized, to my horror, that “Taxpayers” ends in “Ayers!”

  107. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 3:31 pm

    But of course you have to inject a little smear by innuendo into the subject. It wouldn’t be a political debate without the Republicans conjuring up racism, xenophobia, guilt by association, and the always popular scapegoating. That was one of the more creative ways to do it, I must compliment you.

  108. kateascot
    October 5, 2008 at 5:30 pm

    Isn’t it clear yet to everyone that this whole country has been THE PROBLEM?! This gambling with our futures has proven to be the ruin of us! No one group in Presidential office in this country has been realistic about REAL domestic issues like poverty, crime and corruption since possibly Roosevelt and Kennedy. Apathy has corrupted our love for eachother and more than any terrorist has been able to harm us as a whole nation we have been destroyed by our selves! The foundation of our security as a country has been broken and plundered by Bush and Cheney. We let them spin their web of lies that began in earnest with exposing Clinton and Monica. That smokescreen consumed our energy and diverted our attention from issues (like WTO) that has laid the groundwork for over extending our financial base. Forget debate, it’s clear that what we have believed in has failed us, we must vote for a new way of governing such as Nader, McKinney and others propose. We MUST break out of the OLD ways and start new!

  109. Anonymous
    October 5, 2008 at 5:45 pm

    Rose said:

    “Gee, golly whiz, I don’t know about all that complicated stuff janey rattles on about up there.”

    Rose is looking like she could be a leading candidate for something. Lives in redneck McKinleyville and has come up with a folksey “gee, golly whiz” that even Palin hasn’t uttered yet. Might even be able to call herself a Maverick.

    If the duo gets elected Alaska is going to need a Gov. Who wants to see Rose move to Alaska to fill “you betcha’s” shoes??

  110. Plain Jane
    October 5, 2008 at 6:10 pm

    I’ll chip in for one way tickets for Rose and all of her high school friends she wants to appoint to public office.

  111. October 5, 2008 at 6:25 pm

    So what is it you don’t like about Palin. Jane?

    Is it that she is married? So is Barack.
    Has kids? So does Barack.
    Has a job? So does Barack.
    Is a politician? So is Barack.
    Is pretty? So is Barack.
    Goes to church? (So does Barack, btw)
    Is it the REASON she goes to church? As opposed to the reason he does? You think she means it? And he doesn’t?
    You don’t like her decision to keep a baby? If Barack’s Mom hadn’t made that exact same decision, he would not be here.

    Or is it simply that she is a Republican?

    Would you like her if she was a Democrat?
    Or a “Progressssssive”?


  112. kateascot
    October 5, 2008 at 6:32 pm

    yeah, the trivial way that everyone is handling the seriousness of this national outcome of poor federal management is remarkable! We are still looking to the same places that ruined us for help in healing us, that is a description of insanity. Doing the same things over and over hoping for a different outcome is stupid! But we’ll keep doing it because we know nothing else and won’t open up the candidacy to more party candidates. Why?

  113. October 5, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Kate says, like Janie – that Palin does not represent any of the liberated women that I know, in fact the very reason that she has been chosen to run for VP is contrary to liberation…

    Where does this incredible reasoning come from?

    What liberated woman doesn’t want to see women elected to offices?

    What liberated woman hasn’t been frustrated that there are so few women in higher offices?

    What liberated woman doesn’t respect the women who have made it into higher office – even Hillary with all of her faults?

    What liberated woman hasn’t been in favor of breaking the glass ceiling?

    What liberated woman doesn’t want a happy marriage if she chooses to marry?


    You do realize this is INSANE? Don’t you? No. You don’t. You’re worse than any bigoted old Southern stereotype, nuh-uh, we don’t want no woman in the White House… uh uh. Why she actually got herself pregnant and was too stupid to have an abortion. Can’t have that.

    Better tell Diane Feinstein, Patty Berg. Barbara Boxer, and Hillary – HIllary especially. Now we know why she didn’t get the nod -It’s this latent sexism that’s coming from the WOMEN!

  114. October 5, 2008 at 6:43 pm

    Kate you also ask – we’ll keep doing it because we know nothing else and won’t open up the candidacy to more party candidates. Why? I don’t know, maybe you’re hoping Tad will run – but seriously, just look at this thread – and your own comments and you will see why no one wants to run.

  115. October 5, 2008 at 9:36 pm

    a little smear by innuendo…conjuring up guilt by association – Not quite, and not for Jane, who’ll never get it. But for others…

    Fire in the Night Why it matters. (dated Apr. 30, 2008)

  116. October 5, 2008 at 10:33 pm

    For jane and kate, and heralda

    LA Chapter of NOW endorses Gov. Palin

  117. October 5, 2008 at 10:38 pm

    Looks like SOME Liberated Women don’t agree with you guys. :)

  118. Anonymous
    October 5, 2008 at 10:54 pm

    The only real problem with having a woman vice-president is that someday she may become President.

    Have you ever worked for a woman?

    The nation trembles to think on it!

  119. Shades of Gray
    October 5, 2008 at 11:03 pm

    What a fascinating glimpse into the 2-tone thought processes of certain regular Herald bloggers. Being pro-choice means we would demand that all pregnant teenagers have abortions? yeah…and if you aren’t with us, you’re against us!

    So Sid Berg claims George Clark said:
    “as long as the area was cleaned up to environmental standards, he supported the project. The Home Depot was not favored.”
    “both candidates were in support of infrastructure needed to form a foundation for small cottage industry and light manufacturing, which are needed to provide family supporting jobs and a tax base for our local public services.”

    And people have translated that to “George is for development of port, rail, and Marina Center.” Talk about hearing what you want to hear!

  120. Anonymous
    October 5, 2008 at 11:52 pm

    Sid said,

    “If this results in non-union jobs at substandard wages, than we need to organize and raise the standards,”

    These exist today. What are you doing to organize them?

  121. Anonymous
    October 6, 2008 at 12:29 am

    That looked like one woman who claims to be liberated speaking for herself and she was booed by the crowd when she said she had been a Democrat all her life.

  122. Anonymous
    October 6, 2008 at 7:12 am

    I think this is the part that gives us the idea he is for port, rail, etc.

    The majority present believed that George Clark had a sincere support for labor issues, and was aware of the importance of re-establishing infrastructure to our area, ie, rail and port. We understood him to support the RAIL/PORT concept, and allowing the process to move forward, allowing more information on the subject.

  123. kateascot
    October 6, 2008 at 8:33 am

    Rose, the thing about being liberated is that you don’t follow a crowd.
    anon 10/5 10:54..I’ve been a boss and was given an award by my employees for fairness, but I’ve had female bosses who were mean and nasty like some male bosses I’ve encountered, so it seems to me like people are the same whether male or female.

  124. October 6, 2008 at 8:42 am

    The city should spend two million dollars a year directly building low cost housing. The need for low cost housing is critical. The need for jobs is critical. The city redevelopment agency has the money to do this.

    The housing units should be bare bones basic: studio apts or 1 bedroom apts, anything from a basic stand alone cabin to mabye 8 or 10 units max, (so huge developments do not overwhelm any particular neighborhood.)

    Units should be constructed using local union labor, local union carpenters, local union electricians, local contractors. This will be a win win for the city, for the workers, and for the people needing affordable housing.

    A steady construction year to year of affordable housing will produce SUSTAINABLE construction jobs and contribute to a SUSTAINABLE and PROSPEROUS local economy.

    have a peaceful day,

  125. kateascot
    October 6, 2008 at 9:50 am

    Had this been done 20 or even 10 yrs ago Bill we would be in much better shape in our communities. What is going on economically is the result of the status quo ignoring the poor and their refusal to attend to the moral high ground set forth in the constitution. The billions of dollars that have been spent on wars against our own people (drug war, war on poverty, etc) have depleted our morale and the treasury. Does noone see this but those of us who suffer and work with those who are suffering from the neglect and cruelty of denying needy people of shelter?

  126. kateascot
    October 6, 2008 at 10:34 am

    FYI: Progressive is a buzz word like Unions are and Right wing-left wing, etc. people keep throwing these words around like they are a leg to stand on but they are only imaginary boxes that hold empty promises. Even saying I’m an Independent might cause your minds eye to see something entirely different than what I mean. Like slang these words get used too frequently and with that loose their intended meaning. That’s something I remember from the 60’s, one of the many wonderful teachings of the revolution that so few boomers have maintained all these years. Some say WE lost the revolution and do not realize that having the revolution was the win.

  127. Humred
    October 6, 2008 at 11:12 am

    Before you start building cities, bill, perhaps you should start smaller, how about a job.

    My god McKinney, you all want to take shots at Palin and you consider her fit for what, the only thing she does have is slightly more experience than Obama. She is a raging fruit cake ( do not even bother with the racism, sexism, and homophobia bullshit. All races/sexes/sexualities are equal in all ways experience of 50+ years of dealing with people has shown me.)

    What debating, JD, you are a true believer, you do not have the ability to do critical thinking. Your just keep spouting talking points.
    There is no debating folks like you, nor would I waste the time. Again, you do not exist in the real world, your just part of the Humboldt Herald cast. NAN is part and I believe Kateascot and Highboltage are real people. They are just to good to be true so they are brought in for amusement.

  128. Plain Jane
    October 6, 2008 at 11:17 am


  129. Sid Berg
    October 6, 2008 at 11:32 am

    Repubicans Baaaahd, Democrats Baaaahd, sounds like we need to re visit George Orwell’s Animal Farm!
    It cannot be disputed that the Republican Policy on a national level has not been favorable to unions, however our local races are non-partisan and one should hope that these candidates are all well meaning individuals that have not been influenced by either party politics. What ‘s important is that whomever gets elected listen to their local constituents and make the very best decisions based on what is best for this community.
    On a national level, California will be a Blue State and Idaho will be a Red State and the rest will somehow sort itself out to the jubulation and outrage of many.

    Bill is on the mark with his comment on affordable housing. Unfortunately, awarding agencies cannot discriminate between union or non-union contractors, but they CAN, require bidders to pay prevailing wages, participate in state certified aprenticeship programs, and provide health and retirement benefits to their employees. It is sad when some contractors take advantage of taxpayer subsidised low income housing contracts, while their workers cannot afford to buy housing for themselves.

    As for “what have I ever done to organize?” by someone who remains un-named. I have talked to lots of developers, plumbing contractors, and plumbers from Shelter Cove to Port Orford about the benefits of quality training, family health and retirement benefits, worker retention, safety concerns , as well as listening to their concerns. I have visited with employers till midnite, if they took the time to visit, I have shaken hands that many would have refused, I have crawled under houses and climbed up on rooftops in the rain to talk to workers. With the backing of the California Pipe trades, I led a fight to overturn an erroneous California Dept. of Industrial Relations Administrative Decision, eliminating Prevailing Wage in the state. After 6 years of litigation, the non union-low wage employees stand to gain aprox. $60,000 in past due compensation. I have been thrown off jobsites, theatened with arrest from exercising a first ammendment right to picket, and have prevailed in all National Labor Relations Act charges that have been filed against me. The highlight in my organizing came when a member I organized came up and thanked me at a meeting one evening. He told me the most he ever made working as a plumber in Crescent City, was $13,000. Local 290 dispatched him on the Portland Trailblazers Stadium job. He said he made $40,000 in 9 months, bought a house, and took his family to the Grand Canyon for a 2 week vacation!
    Enjoy the sunshine while it lasts,

  130. Anonymous
    October 6, 2008 at 11:37 am

    When confronted with points and or questions Jane does not understand, she will just respond with a ba-aaa, indicating that she has no coherent response.

    Jane is merely confirming that beyond tossing a few fuck you’s to those she disagrees with, she is uninterested in conversing.

  131. October 6, 2008 at 2:38 pm

    Oh, dang! Looks like they lost heraldo’s vote…

    Palin Draws Overflow Crowd At Home Depot Center
    CARSON, Calif. An enthusiastic crowd estimated between 15,000 and 20,000 jammed the Home Depot tennis stadium to rally for Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin in Carson Saturday….

  132. October 6, 2008 at 3:25 pm

    George Wallace drew a big crowd in that area too in 1968 when he brought his racist message to California. Some things change, and some things stay the same.

    have a peaceful day,

  133. HumRed
    October 6, 2008 at 4:15 pm

    Sometimes when taken suprise JD goes ba-ah ba-ah-ba-ah. She is digital and speaks in bits.

  134. Not A Native
    October 6, 2008 at 4:50 pm

    The good news: because Palin needs a Home Depot for her backdrop, she won’t ever be speaking in Eureka. Although she can give a speech, from one of the new drill plaforms just off our coast, to idled fisherman working to contain the oil spill.

    I highly encourage McCain/Palin to compaign extensively and put lots of money into the California race. Go for it big time, a win here will ensure your victory!

  135. Anonymous
    October 6, 2008 at 6:02 pm

    PLEEEZE McPalin – don’t throw all your money into the briar patch of California.

  136. October 6, 2008 at 9:42 pm

    Just thought you’d wanna know – heraldo (and Jane and Kate) –
    about those rape kits….
    …here are the minutes of the committee hearing where the Alaska Legislature took testimony and discussed the 2000 rape kit bill in Alaska.

    Democrats Rep. Croft and Former Democrat Governor Tony Knowles said to the press that the reason the law came up was because the evil Palin was charging women for Rape kits in Wasilla….one problem. Read the minutes of the committee hearing on the bill. The testimony from the State Public Safety Commissioner’s Office says that NO police agencies in Alaska had ever charged an individual for one of these kits. In fact, if the whole thing was done because of Wasilla and Palin – why did the words Palin and Wasilla NEVER come up in committee hearings or testimony on the bill???

    Here is the link to the hearing where Deputy Public Safety Commissioner Smith says so.

    HERE is the link to the second committee hearing on the bill where the Director of the Alaska Network on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault testified that while no police agencies billed victims, some hospitals have billed insurance companies in several parts of the state.

    This means that women had nothing to worry about. Only some hospitals were attempting to bill insurance companies (think about it, many hospitals double bill and send anything that moves a bill). If there was no insurance the state picked it up and tried to recover the cost from the perp, which was the standard practice in several states and the practice went on in several areas in Alaska according to the testimony, not just Wasilla as Knowles claimed to the press recently (the Southeast area the testimony refers to is the Capital of Alaska Juneau, Sitka, and Ketchikan).

    In short, Democrats lied again.


    FBI Crime Reports and the City of Wasilla show ZERO rapes from 1995 up to the year 2000. During 2000 one rape was reported and two rapes each for 2001 and 2002.

    Police Chief Fannon was saying that it was the policy of the police department to charge insurance companies or the perpetrator for the cost of the kit. As I will show you below, this is not an unusual policy at all so Alaska was ahead of the curve in changing these laws.

    Wasilla had no police department before 1996 so if it happened before that the sherrif or the state police would have handled it anyway.


    US News & World Report

    But according to a 2004 bulletin published by the NCVC, “[F]eedback from the field indicates that sexual assault victims are still being billed.” Knecht says she’s recently heard from caseworkers in Illinois, Georgia, and Arkansas reporting that rape victims continue to be charged for their forensic exams.

    Why it’s Illinois, the state in which “The One” himself was community organizing and serving as a legislator in the Illinois Senate.

    And all it took was about 20 minutes of fact checking public documents to prove that they are lying about Palin again and that many juristictions had this rape kit policy….

  137. October 6, 2008 at 9:59 pm

    Citing a righty blog for your info? Nice job.

    This is from CNN:

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (CNN) — Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s hometown required women to pay for their own rape examinations while she was mayor, a practice her police chief fought to keep as late as 2000.
    A former Alaskan lawmaker says it seems unlikely that Gov. Sarah Palin was unaware of Wasilla’s policy.

    A former Alaskan lawmaker says it seems unlikely that Gov. Sarah Palin was unaware of Wasilla’s policy.

    Former state Rep. Eric Croft, a Democrat, sponsored a state law requiring cities to provide the examinations free of charge to victims. He said the only ongoing resistance he met was from Wasilla, where Palin was mayor from 1996 to 2002.

    “It was one of those things everyone could agree on except Wasilla,” Croft told CNN. “We couldn’t convince the chief of police to stop charging them.”

    Alaska’s Legislature in 2000 banned the practice of charging women for rape exam kits — which experts said could cost up to $1,000.

  138. Anonymous
    October 7, 2008 at 9:52 am

    Jane is lost in a venomous fog.

    Heraldo, you don’t know squat as to how other states handle billing for rape kits. What happened in Alaska is in fact common. Bill the insurance company, but anything over that is covered by the agency.

    As for you Jane et al, bagging on Palin. I agree with Shelly and am supporting Palin because I do see her as being a true role model.

    And I don’t have outdoor plumbing Jane, just a good brain.

  139. palin_supporters...
    October 7, 2008 at 2:52 pm

    …Obviously have no idea how much women have to lose if Palin gets elected into office. Palin supports restrictions on women – on their ability to express their sexuality, on the choices they can make with their own bodies, on access to safer sex supplies (which is statistically proven to bring down teen pregnancy rates) … in the end, civil rights aren’t about religiously or personally believing that abortion, same-sex rights, or safer sex education are RIGHT … civil rights are about ending discrimination and making those choices legal and safe.

  140. Anonymous
    October 7, 2008 at 2:56 pm

    I like what Mr. Berg said fopr the most part but seriously, basing ones expectation for a good outcome on the good intentions (“well meaning individuals that have not been influenced by either party politics” seems naive at best.

    I agree that that is how things should work, I just can’t think of any instance in politics where that is how things actually worked.

    Past is prologue and the Jager / Endert faction are largely the right wing predator-economics crowd of local repugnicans. That casts serious doubt on any faith in decision making that is favorable to working women and men and strongly suggests that anti-labor will be the approach of the Jagert crowd.

  141. Sid Berg
    October 7, 2008 at 10:16 pm

    Naive? possibly, but I grew up here, and I always hope and look for the best in people until once burned. As before, the majority of our members decided on the Jager and Endert endorsement, but I really believe all candidates involved know the importance to the community of good paying jobs with training and benefits. If we thought that either Jager or Endert were anti labor, we would not have supported them. If that turns out to be the case, I will eat Crow, and do my best to mend the error of my ways!

  142. Ruth
    January 15, 2022 at 9:54 am

    Bravo Sid. Brilliantly articulated reply

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