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All feet, no mussel

When candidates for the Humboldt Bay Municipal Water District faced KEET viewers Monday night, Division 1 challenger Stephen T. Davies planted a wingtip firmly in the old talker.

Davies said a Mussel infestation at Ruth Lake is an opportunity to train District staff.

What?  You didn’t know there was an infestation at Ruth Lake?  That’s because there isn’t one.

Incumbent Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap silenced the alarms by correcting the self-described environmental lawyer. The District is working to prevent any such infestation.  Davies must have missed the meeting.

Candidates for District 3 were also present to answer viewer questions, which centered largely on water rates and Humboldt County’s unique position of having so-called excess water.  The district has 20 years to find major water users before the state steps in, according to candidate Bob Schultz.

Incumbent Barbara Hecathorn suggested farming and alternative energy as uses for the “excess” which would keep rates lower for residential users.  Schultz agreed with Kaitlin and Hecathorn that large water users need to be attracted to Humboldt County rather than selling water to out-of-area users.

Only Davies seemed interested in water removal, whether in bulk or in bottles.

“We need to sell the water, not our rights to the water,” said Schultz, who has the endorsement of local Dems.

Overall, three of the four featured candidates seemed well-versed on current water issues facing Humboldt County.

While this is a non-partisian race, it’s notable that Hecathorn, the Republican incumbent, said she agreed with Kaitlin, a Green, several times in the one-hour debate.  Kaitlin said the diverse board works well together.

KEET will host Division 2 candidates Wednesday night at 7pm.

  1. Local Dem
    October 28, 2008 at 6:50 am

    Bringing in some revenue while protecting our rights, what a silly concept!

  2. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 6:59 am

    Flouride gives you no protection at all against STDs. Surely there is no argument on that.

  3. Voter
    October 28, 2008 at 9:37 am

    are you saying we should put condoms in the water?

  4. October 28, 2008 at 9:51 am

    Davies initials are STD. Make your own connections.

  5. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 10:20 am

    Actually, Davies was at the special hearing on Ruth Lake the district board held last month. But Heraldo would regurgitate the Journal’s “now CORRECTED” misinformation about the local water board races.

    They are using too many paid contractors to do jobs the full-time staff would be able to handle. Better staff training holds down needless expenditures on contractors and saves taxpayer money.

    Funny how this logic applies to, say City of Eureka government, at least according to Dave Ogden and the Finance Committee, but then doesn’t apply to the Water District when it’s not convenient for Heraldo and the fake left to criticize the incumbents.

  6. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 10:23 am

    Stephen Davies is the “Real Left?”

    Do tell.

  7. October 28, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Actually, Davies was at the special hearing on Ruth Lake the district board held last month.

    I see. He was there but he failed to comprehend what was going on. Thanks for clearing it up.

  8. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 10:36 am

    Yeah, I think the “Real Left” doesn’t want to see seniors pay 300% increases on their water bills, which is exactly what we’re going to see with the pulp mill shutting down and the water board incumbents dithering instead of developing new commercial uses for the excess water capacity the district holds.

    That’s why I’m for throwing all the incumbents out and starting with a new team with real backgrounds in science and business. That’s why Tera Prucha, Stephen Davies and Robert Schultz should all win handily.

    Funny how the Eureka Reporter and the Times-Standard agree with two out of three of these (since they seem to have a soft spot for Hecathorn since her husband died in office and she hasn’t served a full term yet). Heck, the ER just endorsed Shane Brinton, and even he doesn’t seem progressive enough for some of these Local Solutions haters.

  9. October 28, 2008 at 10:42 am

    Did you miss the debate? The two incumbents and Schultz talked about attracting new large water users to Humboldt County to maintain local control of water while also providing jobs.

    Davies, on the other hand, bungled facts, contradicted himself and spoke of the safety of bagging water for removal. He also favors water bottling — an unpopular idea touted by Charles Olivier in the election he lost by a landslide.

  10. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 10:52 am

    It’s a little hard to imagine Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap attracting ANY business to Humboldt County while carrying out such an anti-business agenda with Measure T and with her paranoid speeches about mythical attacks on our water rights.

    These new businesses Humboldt Bay needs are EVIL CORPORATIONS, Heraldo, are they going to feel welcome by someone who says they have no constitutional rights to defend themselves in court or contest measures taken to damage their business?

    There’s a real disconnect from economic development I see the Loco Solutions PAC hacks like you carrying off. Apparently local employment and poverty-level wages don’t mean much to you. How ‘progressive’ is that?

  11. October 28, 2008 at 11:00 am

    Your ravings about Kaitilin are delusional.

    She is joined by her fellow board members (and Bob Schultz) in calling for new water users. She said repeatedly during the debate that the District wants input from the community so we can get what we want and need. She suggested people give their input sooner rather than later, because if we wait until there is some offer on the table, chances are we will only be saying yes or no to that particular offer.

    The word “evil” is yours, not hers. If you support Davies, go for it, but after seeing the debate it’s clear you are slinging mud that doesn’t stick.

  12. 10:52 misses the point
    October 28, 2008 at 11:11 am

    except the point of his thick skull

    the point of economic development is to develop economically in order to meet the needs of the people of the region, the nation and the world.

    the point is not to whore your lands and people to any asshole who comes along with a sweet song and a dumb-ass plan that leaves you and the neighbors with a toxified bay, a depleted natural resource base of fisheries & timber, and the vast majority of the profits shipped to other places and other pockets than the ones that live here.

    we tried that and it hasn’t worked out all that well for even a couple generations.

    Time to discuss a new model for a rapidly (possibly wrenchingly) evolving situation in the world and for the local economy.

    Time for reality based politics for viable, reality-based policies.

    If Davies is the poster boy for ineffective, ignorant anonomous trolls with some petty personal grudge against a group of local activists, then I have to say the trolls have chosen wisely.


  13. October 28, 2008 at 11:14 am

    Bob Schultz is a pretty smart guy.

    He is doing a total grassroots campaign complete with hand painted signs.

  14. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 11:43 am

    Right you are, Mike. Bob Schultz is doing it the right way — doing it without any interference from Loco Solutions PAC and the control freaks in charge of it, namely David Cobb and Kaitlin. Same goes for Buzz Webb and Stephen Davies, both are running strong progressive, pro-public health campaigns without Loco PAC’s ‘help.’

    It’s odd that the pro-fluoride candidates like Davies and Webb who are getting the most attacks from anonymous ‘trolls’ like Heraldo. Very telling indeed, since Heraldo is always on the side of conspiracy theorists, whether it’s cell phone towers, or fluoride, or 9/11, etc.

  15. October 28, 2008 at 11:50 am

    Good thing Davies has you to correct his disastrous debate performance. If he is pro-fluoride, he didn’t say so. In fact, he made the contradictory statement that he doesn’t “want to change the status quo but would like to see it come up again.” Huh? The status quo is that cities are deciding for themselves.

    Are you are suggesting that he lied last night, and would force fluoride on places like Samoa that clearly don’t want it? Cool.

    Just like you apparently want to force cell towers on a neighborhood that doesn’t want it.

  16. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 2:09 pm

    Samoa doesn’t want fluoride?

    Just more made-up b.s. from Heraldo attacking the only Democrat in the race. How sad.

  17. October 28, 2008 at 2:13 pm

    Excuse me, I meant Manila.

  18. October 28, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    It’s worth noting that even the Dems don’t support the only Dem in the race, who admittedly changed his party affiliation in order to get their endorsement. Oops!

  19. mresquan
    October 28, 2008 at 2:28 pm

    Stephen’s response to the fluouride question was quite confusing.He said he was for the discussion being put back on the table,then said that the public’s vote was the most important thing to him,then went on to say if it was less expensive if tapped at the source then he may support it.The Manilla residents said no to fluoride already,so he made it sound like he may be dissing their vote if he were to find that it would be less expensive to tap at its source.Bob Shultz had the best response to that question.

  20. October 28, 2008 at 2:43 pm

    I agree, Bob’s response was right on. He said he he takes supplements, but wouldn’t ask for the supplements to be added to the water.

  21. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 3:27 pm

    “Hold district-wide public advisory votes on the issues of fluoridization and outside water sales”

    So sayeth his Smartvoter page. Seems pretty straight-forward to me. It’s Kaitlin who’s attempting to obscure her true position against fluoride.

  22. mresquan
    October 28, 2008 at 3:52 pm

    Manilla said no to it already.Like was said last night by the incumbants and Mr. Schultz,let the cities decide.Well actually Stephen said it as well,but then apperared to ditch his stance if he figured that it was less costly to tap from its main source.

  23. Emerald Hexagon
    October 28, 2008 at 5:03 pm

    I know that this anonymous is not STD because I have read his writing, and this is a slightly, actually vastly, different style of nonsense. So that means you must think you know him. Do you?

    I will be honest. I have worked with the guy on a number of issues.

    I can’t stand the idea of him in office.


    Because it is my impression that he is self serving to the detriment of his team/client/ideals/whatever you want to pick.

    I imagine that he knows who I am since he apparently has read this blog since I posted about him last. That is fine. I have expressed how I feel about his attitude and tactics to him personally. He dismissed it. Fine.

    The idea of him holding public office in Humboldt is embarrassing, frankly. He is incompetent as a lawyer and I believe he will be so as a public servant. We deserve better and we already have it.

    Go Kaitlin.

  24. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 5:25 pm

    Thanks for the anti-endorsement Verbena, I’m sure Stephen will do well knowing he has your anti-support.

  25. Anonymous
    October 28, 2008 at 5:27 pm

    Oh, and how is Cynthia McKinney’s presidential bid going? Since you and Kaitlin are behind her, you must know, Kim.

    Is she going to break that 0.1% ceiling that David Cobb set as the new low point in the history of the Green Party?

  26. Paying attention
    October 28, 2008 at 5:29 pm

    I’ve read Verbena’s writing and that’s no Verbena. Emerald Hexagon is quite right. Thanks for stating it plainly.

  27. Guadelupe
    October 28, 2008 at 6:33 pm

    On this thread you claim to be on the “Real Left” and on the other thread this morning you claim to be “mainstream Democratic.” It’s gettin a little tough to thread that needle today isn’t it, Stephen?

    Which is it? Left or mainstream?

    Or just an arrogant liar?

  28. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 8:33 am

    So any attempt to reveal the motives behind these attacks on Davies will be blocked and censored and removed by Heraldo.

    Thanks for clearing up your stance on First Amendment issues there. You must be arm in arm with KHUM who also censor political beliefs they happen to disagree with.

    (And I already voted NO on 8, so this isn’t a gay-hater issue. It’s about your hatred of your political adversaries)

  29. October 29, 2008 at 8:38 am

    You’re over-sensitive, Chuckles. Your screeching hatred of Kaitlin has been far more reminiscent of an “attack” than any rationally-stated disagreement with Davies.

  30. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 8:40 am

    Emerald Hexagon’s identity is definitely news we can use.

  31. October 29, 2008 at 8:41 am

    Only if you’re obsessed, which you clearly are.

  32. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 8:44 am

    “Rational,” coming from Heraldo, who called Stephen Davies a lunatic.

    How elevating.

  33. October 29, 2008 at 8:49 am

    Nope, I called the idea of shipping our water down the coast in giant bags to Southern California lunatic.

    Davies, on the other hand, calls himself the Loonybomber.

  34. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 9:03 am

    Davies would bring experience to Water Board
    By Steve Vidnovic, Eureka

    Category: Opinion
    Topic: Letter to the editor

    Dear Editor,

    I’m retired and on a fixed income here in Eureka. I see we have a Water Board contest on our ballot here, and I think this couldn’t have come at a better time because our water rates have gone up and up and up over the last four years.

    What has the incumbent, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, done about our water rates? Not a thing, as far as I can see. She’s too busy saddling taxpayers like me with burdens such as defending the indefensible Measure T, which was never properly drafted to begin with. Her immaturity and inexperience, with no background in science or law to speak of, will wind up costing our local government tens of thousands of dollars in needless legal fees.

    I’ve read up on her opponent, Stephen Davies, and I am duly impressed. He actually has degrees and expertness in water quality science and he’s fought in court and won for local residents affected by environmental degradation (such as the residents of Stafford hit by that landslide). He also has a plan to attract new businesses here to buy some of the water our district isn’t using, which will bring down water rates for us residents.

    I’m not in the habit of endorsing candidates for local office, but here’s a cut-and-dried election about what kind of experience and leadership qualities we need for our Humboldt Bay water resources. That’s why I’m voting for Stephen Davies for the Water Board.

  35. Buster
    October 29, 2008 at 9:14 am

    Isn’t the Eureka Reporter’s (Arkley’s) endorsement of Daivies just a quid pro quo “thank you” for Davies support of the Arkley supported Pacific Legal Foundation?

    Birds of a feather flock together.

  36. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 9:23 am

    That’s odd, didn’t Stephen Davies sue Pacific Lumber AND Rodoni?

    What a right-winger.

  37. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 9:25 am

    Stephen is a failure as a lawyer, and now he wants to bring that experience to elected office? No thanks.

  38. Buster
    October 29, 2008 at 9:48 am

    The Pacific Legal Foundation is a Sacramento, California-based legal organization that was established March 5, 1973 to support pro-business causes. In recent years, it has taken a lead in pursuing anti-affirmative action policies.

    It is the key right-wing public interest litigation firm in a network of similar organizations funded initially by Scaife Foundations money across the USA to support capitalism and oppose environmental and health activism and government regulation.

    The organization has been partially funded by a range of corporations and conservative foundations.

  39. Buster
  40. Buster
    October 29, 2008 at 9:54 am


    Contact: Robin L. Rivett
    Pacific Legal Foundation

    PLF Mourns Passing of Former Trustee Robin Arkley, Sr.

    SACRAMENTO, CA; August 8, 2008: PLF’s staff and family mourn the passing of former PLF trustee Robin Arkley, Sr., who died this week at age 83. A community and business leader in Humboldt County, California, Mr. Arkley was a passionate defender of property rights, a warm friend, and a dedicated family man.

    He founded a forest products company and preached responsible stewardship of the land – and he practiced what he preached.

    “Robin became involved with PLF because he had been a victim of government abuse,” said PLF President Rob Rivett. “He had firsthand experience with regulators trying to confiscate private property. When he learned about PLF and our effectiveness, he joined our board to help our fight for constitutional rights.”

    Mr. Arkley was a military veteran and a loving father, leaving behind three children: Ann Tidwell, Robin Arkley, Jr., and John Arkley. His wife, Lois Matthews, whom he married in 1951, passed away in 1999.

    For many years, Mr. Arkley recorded forceful, conservative editorials for a Eureka radio station. “He knew what side of the line he was on. … He had humor and wasn’t afraid to call a spade a spade,” the station’s manager told a reporter.

    He was known for showing respect and kindness. A city official recounted that she first met Mr. Arkley when he was changing a tire for a woman on a Eureka street.

    “Robin Arkley, Sr., was a patriot in all senses of the word,” said PLF President Rob Rivett. “He stood up for his country, his community, and his family. His dedication to freedom can be seen in his generosity to PLF in so many ways. He will be greatly missed, but his memory and example will continue to inspire.”

  41. Buster
    October 29, 2008 at 9:55 am

    Those are the polluted waters you swim in, Daivies.

  42. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 10:18 am

    So let’s get this straight, Buster: Stephen Davies never worked for PLF, never took money from PLF, never donated to PLF, never sat on the Board of PLF, and never worked for anyone or took money from anyone or donated to anyone on the Board of PLF.

    And this makes Stephen Davies responsible for all the actions of PLF over the last 30 years, even though Stephen’s only been a lawyer since 1998?

    Only in the Loco-Solutions blinded world of Heraldo does this make any sense.

    Why don’t you ask Kaitlin who’s paying DUHCs bills through donations to their shell company, CCCD INCORPORATED. Ah, but scrutiny only applies to the chosen targets of the fake left, right?

  43. Emerald Hexagon
    October 29, 2008 at 12:22 pm


    You thought I was Verbana! LOL…oooo..by belly hurts now, but my evil little heart is warm. :)

    I am, as you all have noticed, against Davies for this position, but let’s get something clear: Davies worked for Pacific Law in Eureka California run by Steve Schectman, yes of Vilica fame. Pacific Legal Foundation is a Sacto based right wing corporate rights firm, unrelated to STD. Steve, if I am wrong here correct me. I would love to learn that you are working for them. It would feed my love of the convoluted and strange. And in fairness to STD, he and Schectman parted ways long ago. He got screwed like the rest of Schectman’s crew at Pacific Law.

    oh, and…
    # Anonymous Says:
    October 29, 2008 at 8:40 am

    Emerald Hexagon’s identity is definitely news we can use.

    For what you anonymous troll? I have at least used a consistent pseudonym while posting here. In doing so, I am quite sure a number of you have got me fingered. Perhaps even Verbs….LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL. oooooo.

    I’ll give you a hint: I am a big male redneck local. LOLOLOLOLOL

    Heraldo, blogs are so much fun.

  44. October 29, 2008 at 12:30 pm

    I am a big male redneck local.

    And a well-spoken one at that. Thanks for your comments.

  45. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 12:41 pm

    Does any of this language sound familiar?

    “The proponents of Measure T and especially the Humboldt Coalition for Community Rights by their Co-Chair Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, are renewing the same tactics used in the 2006 election to stifle any dissent regarding the constitutionality of Measure T,” said Redwood ACLU vice chair Greg Allen. “An examination of statements made by Sopoci-Belknap at the Democracy Unlimited website again attacks those with differing legal opinions. This policy has been continued by the HCCR in a letter signed by Sopoci-Belknap, herself a candidate for public office, to direct all candidates for public office in Humboldt County, including her own opponent, to support Measure T even if it is held unconstitutional by the district court.”

    In the interests of disclosure, Sopoci-Belknap’s opponent in her Water Board race is Stephen Davies, a local attorney who is on the Board of the local Redwood Chapter ACLU as well as on the Board of Directors of the American Civil Liberties Union of Northern California. Davies abstained from voting on the stance taken today due to his current status as a candidate for public office, and the ACLU remains neutral in regards to his campaign (in accordance with standing ACLU policy against supporting or opposing candidates for public office).

  46. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    Why did Davies say that the pulp mill was a few months behind in their payments? This is not true.

  47. October 29, 2008 at 1:23 pm

    Yes, this was another major Davies flub during the debate.

  48. October 29, 2008 at 1:48 pm

    Not so sure…

    “Complaints filed by Sierra Pacific Industries, Green Diamond Resource Co. and California Redwood Co. claim Evergreen has breached contracts to buy wood chips, logs and other goods, and owes them millions.”

    T-S 10/17/08

  49. Emerald Hexagon
    October 29, 2008 at 1:52 pm

    I got the impression he was talking about water payments.

  50. October 29, 2008 at 1:55 pm

    Ah. Sorry. Missed the obvious.

  51. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 2:11 pm

    They are behind on their payments. Just more misinfo from the Kaitlin/Loco Solutions campaign.

  52. Emerald Hexagon
    October 29, 2008 at 2:14 pm

    citation, please 2:11

  53. Anonymous
    October 29, 2008 at 2:40 pm

    2:11 is very very wrong about the water payments.

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