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Eureka Reporter goes belly up


The (newspaper) war is over:

All good things must come to an end. It is with great sadness that The Eureka Reporter, as we know it, will cease to exist after November 8. It will live on in spirit, in part, through editorial pages written on Wednesdays and Sundays by The Eureka Reporter and published as part of the Times Standard.

Times-Standard: Eureka Reporter to cease operations

  1. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 6:24 pm

    editorial pages written on Wednesdays and Sundays by The Eureka Reporter and published as part of the Times Standard.

    Say what? Was this some sort of deal?

  2. Not A Native
    November 5, 2008 at 6:36 pm

    With the credit crunch causing Security National’s nonperforming holdings to be unsaleable and the performing ones becoming nonperforming, Arkley can’t afford his crusade of using economic tyranny to put his personal stamp on Humboldt. Like the Martians in “War of the Worlds”, the powerful Arkley has been subdued by the most weak, hapless mortgage borrowers in Stockton and Detroit who can’t make their payments.

    And since the County Council is clearly without a majority of Arley lackeys, the Balloon tract and rural developments will get intense scrutiny rather than a rubber stamp. So its time to pull the plug on the mouthpiece whose real purpose was myth creation, providing legitimate appearing media cover to a toady council. No need for that now.

    Republicans have been thoroughly rebuked by the electorate, Robin Arkley Jr. is among the casualties. Be very careful walking the Eureka streets, there’s nothing more dangerous than a former “Master of the Universe” with PTSD.

  3. Mike Buettner
    November 5, 2008 at 6:42 pm

    Wow. Didn’t really expect that.

  4. November 5, 2008 at 6:44 pm

    Was this some sort of deal?

    Good question. Was it part of a settlement of the lawsuit?

  5. Grafitaz
    November 5, 2008 at 6:47 pm

    People with PTSD are not dangerous in general, though they often are angry.

    You were making a rhetorical point about Arkley, I understand, but please don’t spread an inaccurate picture of PTSD sufferers, they have enough problems.

  6. Nobody But Me
    November 5, 2008 at 6:50 pm

    It’s a shame about the lost jobs. but at least we’ll still have an opportunity to hear that evolution and global warming are lib’ral conspiracies.

  7. November 5, 2008 at 6:52 pm

    Really. What would we do without Peter Hannaford’s circa 1990 opinion pieces? Good grief.

  8. Frank O. American
    November 5, 2008 at 7:05 pm

    I guess the $700 billion bailout didn’t trickle down to Security National. Either that or Arkley isn’t sharing.

  9. bull moose
    November 5, 2008 at 7:33 pm

    Yes, Heraldo, I wouldn’t be surprised to learn this is part of an out-of-court settlement of the unfair business practices lawsuit the T-S filed against the ER a couple of months ago. The weird decision to publish ER editorials in the T-S twice a week smells like a provision of such a settlement.

    I’m guessing the settlement doesn’t provide for any money changing hands; just that the ER will cease to exist so the T-S can raise ad rates again.

    Arkley was probably happy to agree because it has become obvious his personal wealth is not what it was a few years ago.

  10. November 5, 2008 at 7:37 pm

    I can’t imagine any other reason why the T-S would agree to this.

  11. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 7:54 pm

    I wonder if Fix News ratings will slump or have been slumping? Their pundits and anchors seemed a tad bit down last night (HA!)

    I’m sure the republican base will keep them afloat. However, it would be nice to see the last of those divisive folks.

  12. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 7:58 pm

    whose real purpose was myth creation

    There was credible news reporting there, even scoops. The most recent example is the complete meltdown at HSU. ER ran a story about a mistakenly web-posted report, then two follow-up reports. As far as I’ve seen, the TS has ignored the story. If you read only the TS, you have no idea of how grave the situation is there.

  13. November 5, 2008 at 8:13 pm

    There are some things the T-S could learn from the ER. Instead of publishing tired, irrelevant editorials by Peter Hannaford, they could leave their articles online indefinitely.

    I would also suggest they improve the website by moving the opinion page teasers to the top of the front page (where the sports section is now).

    Finally, they should start uploading the next days news by 10:30pm.

  14. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    They seem to do it around 1 or 2 a.m.

  15. just think about it
    November 5, 2008 at 8:24 pm

    I feel bad for the T-S. The only thing preventing layoffs there was the ER. Give it a couple of months and youll see some shit going down with that newspaper. No matter what you think of the ER, this is a bad day for the community and journalists in Humboldt County.

  16. November 5, 2008 at 8:32 pm

    I think you may be right. Now that Singleton has prevailed, what’s stopping him from outsourcing the newsroom like he’s doing with other papers?

    They seem to do it around 1 or 2 a.m.

    The ER really had it down about a year ago. It was 10:30 like clockwork.

  17. November 5, 2008 at 9:14 pm

    “Give it a couple of months and youll see some shit going down…”

    Do you think that Dean Singleton will wait that long?

  18. November 5, 2008 at 9:27 pm

    Great timing for Marcy Burstiner’s column in the latest Journal about Singleton’s outsourcing of news jobs.

  19. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 10:13 pm

    The Eureka Reporter was SOLD to the Times Standard. The TS can choose to do what they wish with it, and I believe they have chosen to close it. Part of the sale was the editorial agreement . The lost jobs are the hardest part. They had a great staff.

  20. November 5, 2008 at 10:31 pm

    The Eureka Reporter was SOLD to the Times Standard

    Ah, now it makes sense.

    As discussed here previously, the ER had a great lawyer on its side who won a huge verdict in a similar case.

    But maybe it boils down to, as Bull Moose says, Arkley throwing in the towel for financial reasons.

  21. Anonymous
    November 5, 2008 at 10:46 pm

    Hallelujah! Out of all this comes an exit strategy! Let’s buy Iraq!

  22. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 2:24 am

    the bottom line is…the news coverage will diminish, will be solely from the TS’s news staff and will be working without daily competition, thus becoming a weaker, lower-standard publication. like it was before the ER ever started. look forward to sub-standard coverage, y’all news readers, good luck

  23. November 6, 2008 at 5:17 am


  24. November 6, 2008 at 6:54 am

    The only winners here are India, and the out of town billionaire, Singleton. Lots more lost jobs that paid good and had benefits, and whose taxes keep a large chunk of humboldt sitting back and puffin hard and collecting a section8 check. Back to a substandard that has no pressure to actually excel…ad rates that will mysteriously increase and what are we left with… we got a couple blogs, sims soul searching quest, and about 50 more people heading for the unemployment line?

    And for all you that didnt really think the ER was local- it was and it ran Amy Goodman.

    Try and use the google, and see what is in store for the SubStandard. I keep saying this, you haters keep going after jobs and you are going to get what you asked for.

    The Associated Press and paidcontent.org are currently carrying accounts of Big Deaner’s speech to the Southern Newspaper Publishers Association yesterday. Apparently Dean chose the occasion to hanky-drop his new scheme for “saving” the newspaper industry: Consolidation of the entire company’s news operations into one massive call center, possibly to be located in India.

  25. Andrew Bird
    November 6, 2008 at 7:43 am

    Maybe the North Coast Journal can step in and help fill the void left by the ER’s closure by expanding the frequency of its reporting via its website and blog.

    The Journal did a good job of this election night, providing ongoing updates, commentary and chat that allowed readers to interact. Hank Sims, Bob Doran, and Ryan Burns were still going long after the T-S and ER put their papers to bed election night.


  26. November 6, 2008 at 7:57 am

    Yea…Hank should hire more people, and grow the NCJ out, Hank needs to pick up the employees from the ER and expand his operations. HANK! HANK! HANK!

    My god, he could be our very own O!, cept he is much pinker and not as skinny.

  27. Johneureka
    November 6, 2008 at 7:59 am

    I am so sad about the Eureka Reporter closing down. The Times Standard was far worse five years ago compared to today. It was the competition from the Reporter that made them try harder.

    But it seemed like the Times Standard started slipping again about six to twelve months ago. It is very hard to find their reporters at any events anymore. It was like they knew the end was coming to the Reporter.

  28. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 8:08 am

    And now I think what we will see is complaints about the TS not having any competition for ads- all that whining about the ER and now you are going to complain that the TS charges too much for ads, has a monopoly, etc. It’s always somethin’!

  29. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:00 am

    My sympathies for all the hard-working ER staff. I did not appreciate the paper’s editorial slant, but they won me over with their alert reporting and willingness to admit to mistakes when that occasionally happened. I hope the staffers land on their feet!

  30. Red Hummer
    November 6, 2008 at 9:16 am

    With the demise of the ER we are so lucky to have Rose, HumRed, and the anon trolls to give us the fair and balanced viewpoint.. Maybe the campaign prognosticators can weigh in and take up the slack with their acute observations and predictions to help fill the ER void now that the elections are over for a while and they don’t have any matters of life and death to prognosticate about.

  31. Frank O. American
    November 6, 2008 at 9:18 am

    The news in Eureka is managed, whether it is the Eureka Reporter or the Times-Standard. Many of the reporters at both papers are young, liberal or at least open-minded, but the bosses decide what is printed.

    Inconvenient stories like leaking fuel tanks, attacks on homeless people, illegal cell towers and government corruption are routinely ignored unless they are brought to light by some local blogger or a few protesters standing in the rain.

    The ER and the T-S are just two branches of the same bush.

  32. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:19 am

    I agree with the above comment by 9:00.. The constant use as a propaganda instrument for Arkleys pet groups like CPR and HELP got old, and its neo con editorials sickening, but it covered local news so much better than the TS. We will miss that local coverage. I hope those capable staffers get other jobs. We will miss the competition.

  33. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:24 am

    It is indeed the blogs that keep the heat on the newspapers to report “inconvenient” stories. While some still disparage the blogs they are becoming a legitimate force in journalism.

  34. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:43 am

    Any story that will sell newspapers will be printed.

  35. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:49 am

    they are becoming a legitimate force in journalism.

    Bwahahaha! Thanks, I needed that.

  36. Not A Native
    November 6, 2008 at 10:02 am

    Sorry Grafitaz, I understand your concern of wrongly implying that all people with PTSD are violent. I acknowledge that PTSD is more complicated and isn’t necessarily accompanied with violent behavior.

    Rob Arkley Jr. was “pushy” before these dramatic blows to his ego(wealth), so I expect his violent behavior will only intensify now. Of course, in the unlikely event he is totally wiped out, he will “find God” and become one of the humble “mighty who have fallen”.

  37. November 6, 2008 at 10:04 am

    My heart goes out to all of the ER’s employees who are losing their jobs. It’s a lousy time of the year to have this happen.

    I know. Been there and done that once upon a time.

    I hear that people are going to get some sort of severance package (what that is no one seems to know) but I hope it’s enough to get them by until they find new employment.

    The economy strikes again behind the Redwood Curtain!

  38. Mr. Nice
    November 6, 2008 at 10:26 am

    There are some things the T-S could learn from the ER. Instead of publishing tired, irrelevant editorials by Peter Hannaford, they could leave their articles online indefinitely.

    I would also suggest they improve the website by moving the opinion page teasers to the top of the front page (where the sports section is now).

    Finally, they should start uploading the next days news by 10:30pm.

    Are are kidding? The Times-Standard will never have a reasonable website.

    As we are acutely aware of, the Times-Standard is run by MediaNews. All MediaNews websites use the same canned system that dates back over a decade. They try to keep current by adding on things like topix for user comments and zebra for the mobile edition.

    Zebra Mobile is used by many newspapers and is absolutely awful. If you go to a news story via an internet news portal such as yahoo or google news on a cell phone and they use zebra, you get the front page instead of the article. If you do happen to get to the right place, you receive a summary instead of the actual article. The only reason they use zebra is because their ancient web system spews out pages that don’t do well on cell phones.

    Topix is fairly bad as well. I’ve never seen a newspaper using topix that had any sort of moderation besides blocking blatant spam. Topix identifies location by ISP which creates confusion. In any popular Times-Standard topix thread, there is inevitably going to be some idiot saying “you aren’t even from Eureka, you’re from Vallejo/Texas/Oakland” depending on where suddenlink decides to route connections that day. Often the person accusing the other person of not being from Eureka has their own location show up as a foreign location.

    The Eureka Reporter couldn’t seem to update the copyright date from 2005, but at least the articles didn’t disappear.

    Systems like WordPress, Movable Type, Bricolage, and Krang are far superior, but I sincerely doubt the Times-Standard will ever use anything good. After all, why would anyone buy their newspaper if their web version was just as good?

  39. November 6, 2008 at 10:30 am

    Topix is lame for all the reasons you mention and one more: there isn’t a link back to the article which formed the basis of the comments. Web searches often land on Topix, but good luck finding the original article.

  40. oldphart
    November 6, 2008 at 10:35 am

    Maybe those ER people should buy the McKinleyville Press.

  41. paving
    November 6, 2008 at 10:39 am

    ER was circling the drain for at least a year. At first it was a great new voice, actually reporting new stuff. That has been gone for awhile now.

    If the ER was sold to the TS please post some proof. That is not being reported anywhere.

    As for the HSU story, that’s probably a bit overblown. Don’t believe everything you read…

  42. Tom Sebourn
    November 6, 2008 at 12:44 pm

    Maybe one of the other papers can try to cover the county and do a twice a week paper. Mr. Sims or maybe Mr. Hoover.

    Can you say the Humboldt Eye?

  43. HumRed
    November 6, 2008 at 1:12 pm

    Of course NAN you have the degree and clinical experience to make this diagnosis. No, just more crap, just like red hummer.

  44. November 6, 2008 at 1:27 pm
  45. Mike Buettner
    November 6, 2008 at 1:33 pm

    No thanks.

  46. paving
    November 6, 2008 at 2:39 pm

    Small markets like Humboldt can and will be better served by online newspapers and TV. If the established media here had even a hint of a clue they would have been all over this years ago. As it is they’re leaving it up to the individuals to build their own web news sites that will eventually eclipse the others.

  47. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Not A Native – for your information, Mr. Arkley converted to Catholicism earlier this year.

  48. Emerald Hexagon
    November 6, 2008 at 3:07 pm

    The ER reporter website seems to already be down, or maybe they are just having tech problems

  49. November 6, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Oldphart Says:
    November 6, 2008 at 10:35 am
    Maybe those ER people should buy the McKinleyville Press.

    Jack responds: They should! They could pool their severance checks and 401k money and get in the biz.

  50. Dolly Varden
    November 6, 2008 at 3:12 pm

    On a related note, Arkley has been quietly trying to sell his fishing lodge in King Salmon, AK but so far no takers.

  51. paving
    November 6, 2008 at 4:46 pm

    I just hope Arkley sells whatever business makes the tacky facades they like to use on their Old Town refurbs.

  52. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 6:55 pm

    So, you like nothing Arkley does? The zoo entrance and petting zoo, the Eureka High School pool, the computer lab at St Bernards, the signs and building remodels around town, the trees along the main street/highway in Willow Creek, the remodel of the old state theater no one else was willing to fix, the new boardwalk?? You may not agree with their politics, but they have tried to improve this town. I have never seen so many spoiled, unthankful brats.

  53. bull moose
    November 6, 2008 at 7:07 pm

    Let’s be honest about the zoo, 6:55. The Arkley entrance helped ruin what was a great city asset. Five years ago you could take your family to the zoo for free and be treated to a number of really interesting exhibits. Today you have to pay to get in and about all you get is a couple of chickens and a goat. What has happened at the zoo really is a local tragedy.

  54. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 7:17 pm

    The Arkleys had nothing to do with the fact that the zoo must now charge. They only helped make it so people would actually want to go there.

  55. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 7:19 pm

    I love the entrance and the barn. The new store is much better, and now there is an educational center and camp that runs summers. The environments for animals have slowly evolved as well.

    November 6, 2008 at 7:22 pm

    As I have grown older, it is apparant that zoos are nothing more than slave cells – man’s dominion over animals for selfish, greedy pleasures. In fact, the chimps at the zoo go wildly crazy when they see the children across the street at the school playing outside on the grass kicking balls, throwing balls, running around, etc… Even chimps understand slavery and freedom.

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  57. bull moose
    November 6, 2008 at 7:35 pm

    A lot more people went to the zoo before the Arkley entrance was built.

  58. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 7:40 pm

    Oh realllly? What’s that all about? Are there stats that say that? People don’t like the improvements?

  59. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 7:42 pm

    People wouldn’t go to the zoo because they don’t like the way the entrance looks? Is that why a person goes to the zoo? I go there to take my children, and the architecture of the entrance means nothing to them. Now, the petting zoo and barn, that does mean something to them!

    November 6, 2008 at 8:05 pm

    Zoos = Stockholm Syndrome

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  61. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 8:21 pm

    Jeez- does this have one thing to do with your problem with zoos? God Almighty.

  62. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 8:23 pm

    P.S. Stockholm Syndrome has nothing to do with zoos either. God Almighty.

  63. Not A Native
    November 6, 2008 at 8:37 pm

    So which is it anon. ?

    First you tout that Arkley’s zoo entrance is a big improvement. Then you write that the architecture at the entrance means nothing to your kids at all. So since it means nothing to the people who are supposed to benefit, it isn’t really an improvement, is it?

    What it is a a monument to Arkley’s ego and a means for him to take control over the governace of the zoo. Arkely was given control because of his “gift” and then Cheri ousted the people she didn’t like.

    A real zoo improvement would have been an endowment that would sustain an animal program for the lng term. Maybe something small, but it would be sustainable. But Arkley wouldn’t be able to dictate how the endowed funds would be used, so he gave a “one time” gift that put his name on a wall but didn’t sustain the zoo. In truth, the only animal Arkley gave to the zoo was a white elephant.

  64. olphart
    November 6, 2008 at 8:47 pm

    And the bidet in the bathroom.

  65. olphart
    November 6, 2008 at 8:48 pm

    And I am going to shit in it.

  66. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 8:52 pm

    I like the architecture. It makes the zoo entrance clear where to come in, which is important to me and other parents. It is also an attractive improvement for the community.

    Arkley’s don’t have control over the zoo, to my knowledge. If anyone else had given this gift, people like NAN would be thankful, not hateful.

    November 6, 2008 at 9:21 pm

    Stockholm Syndrome = Emotional attachment to Captor.

    Zoos = Stockholm Syndrome

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  68. Not A Native
    November 6, 2008 at 9:39 pm

    The money spent to build that entrance was a waste as far as benefiting the zoo. It wasn’t what was needed and didn’t make the zoo a stronger institution, either financially or in its mission to display animals. The Arkleys’ arranged for the Zoo to be reorganized, making it into a corporation and taking control away from the previous publically appointed board.

    It was the type of financial manipulation based upon the ideology of “free markets” similar to what worked well for the mortgage market until it collapsed and needed to be bailed out. On a much smaller scale, the zoo entrance fee is a similar “bail out”, making the public pay for the financial bad judgements of the “Masters of the Universe”.

    The zoo should have scaled back to fewer but higher quality exhibits and augmented with community resources to feature animals that are kept by area residents. Instead, Arkley made a big edifice and cut it loose after he got his public acclaim.

    That’s exactly the same tactic he used for the ER. Create a unsustainable organization for his public image, mismanage its affairs, and then suddenly abandon it completely without warning. Leaving the people who now depend upon it for their livelihoods, hung out to dry.

    The EHS pool is another example of an Arkley expenditute that enhanced his image but wasn’t what was needed to create a permanent facility. Guess what, the public is having to pay more for something that would have been much less expensive if Arkley had contributed to a public plan instead of spending money “his way or the highway”.

    How many times do the people here need to be deceived until they realize that Arkley’s financial choices aren’t made for their benefit but primarily to enhance his influence and reputation ?

  69. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:40 pm

    Isn’t Stockholm Syndrome when those who have been captured start to admire and emulate their captors? Tell me how the animals do this.

  70. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 9:42 pm

    NAN is so full of bullshit and hate, it is not worth answering.

  71. Not A Native
    November 6, 2008 at 10:11 pm

    Anon 9:42, that’s priceless

    Your worthless posts say nothing, that’s just about all you know.

  72. November 6, 2008 at 10:53 pm

    This is the most salient observation I’ve see here. Not a Native said: “That’s exactly the same tactic he used for the ER. Create a unsustainable organization for his public image, mismanage its affairs, and then suddenly abandon it completely without warning. Leaving the people who now depend upon it for their livelihoods, hung out to dry.”

    The ER was unsustainable as it was run, so its end comes as no surprise. That was my objection to it (other than its persistent and unwelcome appearance at my house in its ubiquitous blue bag). The economy around here is unreal enough already. Too many businesses function as money-launderers, and extraction industries eventually run out of resources to extract.

    It’s hard to earn an honest living in Humboldt County. It would be nice if some real, lasting, dependable jobs would become available here.

  73. paving
    November 6, 2008 at 10:56 pm

    Hey, just because you want to pay for things to “help your community” doesn’t mean you have to let your wife design them.

    That’s what makes it ego.

    I, for one, appreciate some of the things the Arkley’s have done specifically and I am grateful for their efforts this past decade in general. I believe that anybody who invests in their own community deserves some appreciation.

    That does not mean I have to like the tacky facades.

    As for the ER it wasn’t designed to be a real newspaper and we all know that. What good it did was NOT the primary function of the paper. If Arkley really did want to run a better local newspaper he could have killed the T-S. No doubt about it.

  74. paving
    November 6, 2008 at 10:58 pm

    And lastly, Arkley enjoyed a great reputation in Eureka until he tried to install his wife in the city of Eureka and then tried to foist a Home Depot on our waterfront just a few years after 70% of the city heroically opposed an effort to do the very same thing in the very same spot with Wal-Mart. Excuse us for becoming suspicious.

  75. gObama
    November 6, 2008 at 11:11 pm

    A new arkley project “the mckay tract” . located off of walnut drive in cutten. http://www.forestdefenders.com this will be the new home of Wal-mart someday.

  76. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 11:15 pm

    Topix includes a Help feature, Heraldo. If you use it, Topix may seem a friendlier place in the future.

  77. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 11:25 pm

    To be specific and hopefully more helpful than what I wrote at 11:15 pm, Topix does link to the original article, and the link can be found at the top of the page on the right side. Click on the Times-Standard link.

    If you can’t find a link to an article, that means the thread was started not by reference to an article, but by a Topix commenter. In those cases, there is no Times-Standard article to link the thread to.

    Hope that helps.

    November 6, 2008 at 11:33 pm

    Will an ape make faces at you mimicking your gestures as you stare through the plate glass enclosure?

    Yes, to emulate is an emotional attachment over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over ……..

    Zoos = Stockholm Syndrome

    TRUTH = Taking Real Understanding To Heart

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  79. Anonymous
    November 6, 2008 at 11:35 pm

    Arkley’s zoo entrance

    NAN’s delusions are interesting. Now it’s Arkley’s zoo, as if he made the decision himself. I think the City of Eureka might beg to differ.

  80. HumRed
    November 7, 2008 at 7:09 am

    Lets watch NAN and Paving play with each other, what bullshit.

  81. Anonymous
    November 7, 2008 at 7:22 am

    Architects were used in all Arkley projects. I like the facades. If you remember what used to be there I think you would agree.

  82. Anonymous
    November 7, 2008 at 7:29 am

    Far-fetched, Mr. Lytle. I have never seen Stockholm Syndrome used this way and don’t see how animals fit the parameters.

  83. noparty
    November 7, 2008 at 8:45 am

    The zoo entrance is a joke. What a waste of money. It’s so tall that it blocks the sun from reaching the gibbon exhibit; these are tropical animals that need warmth. They built a big structure for the humans and did nothing for the animals. That money should have gone towards upgrading the animal habitat. The petting zoo is a foul smelling thing right next to the picnic grounds. Who wants to have a BBQ and smell shit while they are eating? The zoo is cruel and probably should not exist at all. They should have invested money in something that would be akin to a scaled down version of SF’s Academy of Sciences. Now there is an exhibit worth seeing.

  84. down and out
    November 7, 2008 at 8:46 am

    I love the boardwalk. It’s a great place to scare tourists and do my drugs.

  85. local yokel
    November 7, 2008 at 8:49 am

    I miss the old snack bar.

  86. Mr. Nice
    November 7, 2008 at 9:02 am

    Topix includes a Help feature, Heraldo. If you use it, Topix may seem a friendlier place in the future.

    Heraldo might be referring to how Topix will move old threads from newspaper articles into generic categories after some period of time (90 days?). In this case, one can’t find the original article from the comments even if it still exists on the newspaper site. I had this happen when looking for information about the housing bubble. Comments from 2007 were unlinked from the article and the original paper. The method of finding articles was then to search for some of the registered users which lead back to the original newspaper site. Very friendly indeed.

    Perhaps the ER will simply put together a website which is far superior to the TS? This would give the blogs a run for their money or rather lack of money.

    November 7, 2008 at 9:14 am

    How many ways are there to use “STOCKHOLM SYNDROME” appears to be a questioned asked of me.

    Response = Captors have many duplicitous, dubious ways to enslave and imprison.

    TRUTH = Taking Real Understanding To Heart

    simple concept. Over and out.

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville- 5th District

  88. November 7, 2008 at 9:22 am

    Zoos are an antiquated concept, like slavery or debtor’s prisons. This zoo is not only antiquated but it is a drain on the city’s finances.

    The only thing Arkley has done for the zoo is to gentrify it. What was once free for the people is now only for those with the money to pay. Anything in a city park should be free.

    Let’s close it now.

    have a peaceful day,

  89. Auntie Arkley
    November 7, 2008 at 11:46 am

    Not rumor, direct from an insider:
    Tyson’s plan is for Arkley’s Zoo Foundation to raise millions of dollars (which it has yet to do, or, more likely, is unable to do) and lease the Zoo from the City for $1 per year. The Foundation would pay all operating and animal maintenance costs, thus removing a major expense from Eureka’s budget. This would be done by Arkley so that his projects located within the City would get the well-greased fast-track with little scrutiny. The City would be even further in Arkley’s pocket.

  90. Anonymous
    November 7, 2008 at 11:56 am

    Not rumor, direct from an insider:

    You guys never cease to amaze. An anonymous person citing another anonymous person is… ta da! Spreading a rumor.

  91. paving
    November 7, 2008 at 12:33 pm

    I actually like the zoo entrance. The fee, not so much. I’d rather the city cover the expense with taxes and take donations. The store is much improved and can generate revenue as well. The cost of collecting and accounting for the fee introduces unnecessary overhead.

  92. Auntie Arkley
    November 7, 2008 at 1:03 pm

    Anonymous 11:56 am:
    Believe what you will. However, I actually know this to be true. Try asking a Board member from the overthrown Sequoia Park Zoological Society. You will really be amazed. Try a little research before you rush to judgement. I hope the facts don’t get in the way of your right-wing fantasies, but they will.

  93. average Eurekan
    November 7, 2008 at 3:10 pm

    Back to Singleton and the T-S printing the ER editorial pages on Wednesdays and Sundays:

    This decision can be seen to be wholly consonant with Singleton’s oft-quoted life philosophy (and here I paraphrase):

    “I don’t have business competitors. Only individuals with whom I have yet to do business with in the future.”

    Seen from this prism, taking the ER’s editorial pages twice a week was win-win for both Singleton and Arkley: Singleton not only destroyed his rival and moved his daily into monopoly position, but also moved to capture his rival’s market share, giving all the codgers who have cancelled their T-S subscriptions over the years a reason to come back into his fold. At the same time, Arkley unloaded the ER debt-monkey on his back (reputed to have been a cool $500K a month, a figure never convincingly refuted), while preserving the distribution of its editorial voice to a wide market, which was always his original intention.

    Backroom deals have always been the soul of corporate capitalism, no?

  94. whodat?
    November 7, 2008 at 3:26 pm

    Who gives a shit about the entrance. Do something for the animals.

    November 7, 2008 at 3:47 pm

    ZOOS = Philanthropy at it’s finest devaluing everything not mankind.

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

    November 7, 2008 at 3:48 pm

    Or, is it valuing everything not mankind?


    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  97. November 7, 2008 at 3:50 pm

    If the T-S prints the ER editorials, then many sides will be represented in the opinion pages, which is where they belong. There is no evidence yet that the T-S will slip into its old lackadaisical ways.

    With the exception of the jobs, which people surely knew were temporary, I don’t see what the loss to the community is. The printing press will still run and THAT is a community asset.

  98. fly on the wall
    November 7, 2008 at 5:18 pm

    I sympathize with the staff losing their jobs but what better ending for Judi Pollace. If your readers recall Judi and Salvatore Pollace defrauded a couple in Lake County. They fled to U.S. Bankrupcty court to avoid prosecution for fraud and punitive damages.

    Judi your karma will get ya every time.

  99. Not A Native
    November 8, 2008 at 9:46 am

    So there’s a rumor circulating here that Arkley is now attending Catholic church services. I won’t say “converted” because I assume that would entail a public ceremony, no one has claimed that has occured. Does someone here know if Arkley switched from attended religious services of some other faith or is it a brand new interest?

    As I wrote before, in this country, getting “religion” is a most common reaction of people of influence whose fortunes have suddenly declined. Why that is so is a subject for psychologists, but I believe its mostly about loss of confidence, wanting to become dependent something other than themselves, and to reclaim some social stature in a society that values religiousity.

    The interesting question in Arkley’s situation, if the rumor has some truth, would be the content of the Catholic confessions he should be making.

    Would the more creative people here care to share their guesses of what might be transpiring in the confessional? Anyone know the standard penance for two shoves and three rants? Should we expect to see Arkley running the bingo machine, using rosary beads, or distributing St. Christopher medallions to homeless travelers?

  100. Auntie Mayme
    November 8, 2008 at 10:07 am
    November 8, 2008 at 10:43 am

    A lot of red and blue books in that there post of Christ’s Church – not the people’s church!

    Jeffrey Lytle
    McKinleyville – 5th District

  102. Journalism Jon
    November 10, 2008 at 4:50 pm

    Newspaper readers might not realize it yet, but the closing of the Eureka-Reporter will soon result in less staff working at the Times-Standard and that paper denigrating into the absurd mess it was just a couple of years ago. Dean Singleton is laying off staff from all his newspapers and as competition disappears, the layoffs increase. Without competition, the Times-Standard will be reduced to a ghost of its former self, as bad as that already was. This is all because of the deregulation of the media industries. There used to be laws that prevented one company from owning all the newspapers, Republicans like Arkley and Singleton put an end to that. Now that there is no competition, the product can stink out loud. And the T-S certainly does.

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